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Project management services can be externalised and related costs should be planned (and later on reported) under the cost category 'External expertise and services', in section F.2 of the application form, under the type of costs "management - external …
Costs for project activities are eligible from the date of the monitoring committee’s approval of the project until the end date of the project. The end date of the project marks the end of the eligibility period for expenditure, and it is the date by …
The subsidy contract is a document that establishes the rights and responsibilities of the lead partner and the managing authority. It is concluded between the programme's managing authority and the lead partner of the project once a project has been …
The subsidy contract is signed between the programme's managing authority and the lead partner of the project once the project has been selected for funding and has fulfilled all the conditions laid down by the monitoring committee. … When should the …
It is an important internal document that must be signed as soon as possible between the lead partner and its partners, in line with Article 26 (1) (a) of the ETC Regulation (EU) 2021/1059 and in order to ensure the quality of project implementation, the …
The partnership agreement should be signed as soon as possible. Early agreement on partnership working will help to shorten the project’s start-up phase following approval and will ensure that partners have a common understanding of the practical and …
The project partnership agreement is an internal project's document. The programme strongly recommends to attach the following annexes: Detailed allocation of tasks and activities including detailed budget by categories and spending plan, by PP …
In principle, each progress report covers a reporting period of six months. Only the first and last reports cover a period that is slightly longer:  The first progress report covers the period from the date the project is approved by the monitoring …