Fourth call projects approved

Interreg Europe monitoring committee has conditionally approved 74 projects out of 170 applications received in the fourth call for project proposals.
IMPORTANT! The lead partners of the projects approved under conditions will be notified shortly. The notification letter will provide details on the conditions to fulfill and information on the next steps to start their project. We kindly ask applicants not to contact the secretariat directly until they have received this notification.
Have a look at the projects approved in the fourth call for proposals. Or download a
AERIAL UPTAKE | Removing barriers to the uptake of innovative Unmanned Aerial Systems in the EU Lead partner: Municipality of Enschede, Netherlands |
BETTER | Stimulating regional innovation through better e-government services Lead partner: Municipality of Genoa, Italy |
CARPE DIGEM | Catalysing Regions in Peripheral and Emerging Europe towards Digital Innovation Ecosystems Lead partner: Digital Nièvre Joint Authority, France |
COHES3ION | Integrating the territorial dimension for cohesive S3 Lead partner: Beaz S.A.U., Spain |
DIALOG | Dialog for Innovation And LOcal Growth Lead partner: Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy |
EU_SHAFE | Europe enabling Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments Lead partner: Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Spain |
IMPROVE | Improving the management and implementation of Structural Funds for a better delivery of R&D&i policies and instruments Lead partner: Foundation Science and Technology Park of Extremadura (FUNDECYT-PCTEX), Spain |
INNO4.0 | Improving innovation delivery of policies within 4.0 industry in Europe Lead partner: Regional Development Agency Posavje (RDA Posavje), Slovenia |
InnoHEIs | Improving Research and Innovation Infrastructure Performance in Regional Development: from Fragmented to Integrated and Sustainable Cooperation Lead partner: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands |
INTENCIVE | INnovation and Technology ENhancing Customer OrIented Health SerVicEs Lead partner: Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia, Finland |
Next2Met | Increasing attractiveness of Next2Met regions with soft digitalisation measures Lead partner: Regional Council of Päijät-Häme, Finland |
PASSPARTOOL | Key tools to assess and improve soft innovation policies Lead partner: Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation, Italy |
REGIONS 4.0 | Regional policies adopting Industry 4.0 for their Digital Transformation Lead partner: European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology, Ireland |
SMEs4I4.0 | SMEs for Industry 4.0 Lead partner: Municipality of Prato, Italy |
4.0-Ready | Strengthening SME capacity to engage in Industry 4.0 Lead partner: Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa, Italy |
A.L.I.C.E. | Animation League for Increased Cooperation in Europe Lead partner: Wallimage s.a., Belgium |
ACSELL | ACcelerating SmE innovation capacities with a Living Lab approach Lead partner: University of Tübingen, Germany |
BRESE | Border Regions in Europe for Social Entrepreneurship Lead partner: Euregio Rhine-Waal, Germany |
CRAFTS CODE | CReative Actions For Tailoring Smes' COmpetitive DEvelopment Lead partner: Municipality of Florence, Italy |
DigiBEST | Digital Business EcoSystem Transformation Lead partner: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, Latvia |
ECoC-SME | Actions for inducing SME growth and innovation via the ECoC event and legacy Lead partner: University of Eastern Finland, Finland |
FOUNDATION | Building Regional Resilience to Industrial Structural Change Lead partner: Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland |
FRiDGE | Development of food industry SME competitiveness for better potentials in growth Lead partner: Tolna County Development Agency Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd., Hungary |
GRESS | GREen Startup Support Lead partner: Kristiansand municipality, Norway |
INTER VENTURES | Policies to promote the internationalisation of SMEs for more competitive regional ecosystems in border areas of the EU Lead partner: Pannon European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, Hungary |
QUALIFY | Enlarging and improving quality standards and authenticity to foster competitiveness of SMEs in the agrifood sector Lead partner: Government of Catalonia – Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Spain |
SCALE UP | Supporting concentration and robustness of SMEs within the renewed EU industrial policy Lead partner: Regional Development Agency of Murcia Region, Spain |
SinCE-AFC | Enchancing the Entrepreneurship of SMEs in Circular Economy of the Agri-Food Chain Lead partner: Anatoliki S.A. Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki's Local Authorities, Greece |
START EASY | Smart tools for quick and easy business start-up in Europe: the once-only challenge Lead partner: Government of Catalonia, Spain |
SUBTRACT | Sustainable Reuse Centres Lead partner: Umbrian Regional Waste and Water Agency, Italy |
SUCCESS ROAD | Enhance the Competitiveness and Sustainability of European SMEs through succession procedures and models Lead partner: Ministry of Economy and Development , Greece |
2050 CliMobCity | 2050 Climate-friendly Mobility in Cities Lead partner: RDelft University of Technology, Netherlands |
AgroRES | Investing in Renewable Energies for Agriculture Lead partner: Extremadura Energy Agency - AGENEX, Spain |
E-BussED | Building Capacities for an European-wide E-bus Deployment Lead partner: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland |
E-MOB | Integrated actions towards enhanced e-mobility in European regions Lead partner: Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH, Germany |
E-MOBICITY | Increase of energy efficiency by Electric MOBIlity in the CITY Lead partner: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Greece |
e-smMARTEC | enhanced sustainable mobility with MARketing TEChniques Lead partner: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece |
EU CYCLE | Cycling for development, growth and quality of life in European regions Lead partner: West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd, Hungary |
IRENES | exchanging knowledge and experiences for Integrating RENewable energy and Ecosystem Services in territorial environmental and energy policies Lead partner: IUAV University of Venice, Italy |
LC Districts | Towards low carbon city districts through the improvement of regional policies Lead partner: Navarra Government, Spain |
OptiMaaS | Optimizing accessibility of citizens by Low Carbon Mobility Services Lead partner: University of Aveiro , Portugal |
POTEnT | Public Organisations Transform Energy Transition Lead partner: City of Lorient, France |
POWER-TY | Renewable energies for vulnerable groups Lead partner: Andalusian Energy Agency, Regional Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Commerce, Andalusian Government (AEA), Spain |
RESINDUSTRY | Policies for Renewable Energy Sources in industry Lead partner: Czech Technical University in Prague, University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings, Czech Republic |
S3UNICA | Smart SpecialiSation UNIvercity CAmpus Lead partner: Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region – Environment and Energy Central Directorate – Energy Service, Italy |
Shrec | SHifting towards Renewable Energy for Transition to Low Carbon Energy Lead partner: Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands |
SMART HY-AWARE | Smart solutions for HYdrogen potential AWAReness Enhancing Lead partner: Development Agency of Aragón - Department of Economy, Industry and Employment, Government of Aragón, Spain |
SME POWER | SMEs powering a low carbon future Lead partner: Provincial Agency for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Italy |
SMEP2.0+ | Improving policy instruments to increase the energy efficiency in industrial SMEs Lead partner: University of Gävle, Sweden |
SMOOTH PORTS | Reducing CO2 Emissions in Ports Lead partner: Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Ministry of Economy, Transport and Innovation, Germany |
2LIFES | Promoting Re-use from the Public Policies Lead partner: EMULSA, Municipal Company of Urban Environment Services of Gijon, Spain |
BIGDATA 4RIVERS | Improving the European Rivers Water Quality through Smart Water Management Policies Lead partner: Intermunicipal Community of Alto Minho, Portugal |
CAPonLITTER | Capitalising good coastal practices and improving policies to prevent marine litter Lead partner: NOVA University Lisbon - NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal |
CECI | Citizen involvement in circular economy implementation Lead partner: Lahti University of Applied Sciences, Finland |
CityZen | Enhancing scalable innovations and new business models based on urban farming ecosystem values Lead partner: Applied Research and Communications Fund, Bulgaria |
COLOR CIRCLE | COnnecting and empowering LOcal authorities with Research capacities to unlock the full potential of CIRCular economy Lead partner: HESAM University, France |
EURE | Effectiveness of Environmental Urban policies to improve Resources Efficiency Lead partner: Atlantic Axis of Peninsular Northwest, Spain |
LCA4Regions | Improved Environment and Resource Efficiency through use of Life Cycle Instruments for implementation of regional policies of the European Union Lead partner: Government of Navarre, Spain |
LINDANET | European Network of Lindane waste affected regions working together towards a greener environment Lead partner: Government of Aragon, Spain |
Local Cultural Flavors | Spicing up authentic tourism in towns with rich heritage through reviving local cultural flavors Lead partner: Institute of Advanced Studies, Hungary |
MOMAr | Models of Management for Singular Rural Heritage Lead partner: DPZ Provincial Government of Zaragoza, Spain |
Nature Connect City | Green and Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable Cities Lead partner: Euromed Cities Network represented by the Metropolis Nice Côte d’Azur, France |
OptiWaMag | Optimization of waste management in urban spaces and in households Lead partner: County Administrative board of Östergötland, Sweden |
PLASTECO | Supporting EU regions to curb plastics waste and littering Lead partner: Municipality of Rethymno, Greece |
PROGRESS | PROmoting the Governance of Regional Ecosystem ServiceS Lead partner: National Association of Italian Municipalities Tuscany, Italy |
PROSPERA | PROmoting Sustainable development and regional attractiveness through PERi-urban Areas Lead partner: Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
RAMSAT | Revitalizing Remote And Mountainous areas through Sustainable Alternative Tourism Lead partner: Alto Alentejo Intermunicipal Community, Portugal |
REDUCES | REthinking Sustainable Development in European Regions by Using Circular Economy Business ModelS Lead partner: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland |
RENATUR | Improving regional policies to better protect natural heritage of peri-urban open spaces Lead partner: Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany |
REPLACE | REgional PoLicy Actions for Circular Economy Lead partner: Lazio Region, Italy |
RFC | Recapture the Fortress Cities Lead partner: Ústí Region, Czech Republic |
SMART WASTE | Innovation in Waste Management Policies Lead partner: Resources Recovery Regional Agency, Italy |
WaVE | WAter-linked heritage Valorization by developing an Ecosystemic approach Lead partner: Municipality of Breda, Netherlands |
WLE | WILDLIFE ECONOMY: Nature as a viable Economic Alternative Lead partner: Province of Limburg, Netherlands |