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Call for side events: European Week of Regions and Cities

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Did you miss the call for partners for the 2021 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities? Don't worry, you can now propose a session as a side event and still be associated with the biggest annual event on European regional policy. 

What are side events? 

Side events are online activities organised by different partners across Europe. They can be for instance local dialogues or information sessions. The events should take place between 11 October and 11 November.

Side events are not part of the official programme of the European Week of Regions and Cities, but they are connected to the thematic priorities of the event:

  • Green transition
  • Cohesion
  • Digital transition
  • Citizens' engagement/ Future of Europe

The 2021 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities contributes to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE). Side events can also be listed as Conference on the Future of Europe events on the online platform dedicated to the Conference.

How to apply? 

The call for side events is open until 3 September. You can submit your application online. 

All applications will be reviewed and only a limited number of side events will be selected.

Before applying, take a look at the #EURegionsWeek website and the Side Event Guidelines. 

Cohesion policy
Committee of the Regions
European Commission
Sharing ideas