Conclusions to ‘Europe, let’s cooperate!’ 2018 online edition

Almost 700 participants joined us for the online edition of ‘Europe, let's cooperate!' on 13 April 2018.
Watch the recording
Download the presentation
After you’ve watched the recording, check out the presentation from the show.
See a powerpoint presentation on the 4th call.
The programme
During the online event, participants had a chance to learn more about the fourth call and get tips on how to apply for a successful Interreg Europe project. In addition to the web streaming with presentations and Q&A, participants had a possibility to network online and find partners and share ideas to develop new interregional cooperation projects.
Time | Session |
Time 00:00 |
Session Start of the show |
Time 05:28 |
Session Introduction to Interreg Europe |
Time 11:38 |
Session What do you need to know about the fourth call for proposals? |
Time 35:15 |
Session Live Q&A from the studio. Ask your questions using Slido. |
Time 49:40 |
Session What happens in an interregional cooperation project? |
Time 53:49 |
Session Interview with a project representative |
Time 01:01:23 |
Session What's next? What support to expect from Interreg Europe? |
Time 01:08:22 |
Session End of the show |