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'European Researchers Night' in Bistrita Municipality

By Project FEEL

The European Researchers Night is an annual event organised for citizens to showcase the diversity of science and the impact it has on European citizens. The event brings together citizens, students, communities, and researchers to discuss innovative solutions that are socially and environmentally sustainable. Organised in Bistrița, at the end of September 2023 by Babeș-Bolyai University (Bistrița University Extension) in collaboration with Bistrita-Năsăud County Museum and other partners, the European Researchers Night event - Science4Future-II, included an interactive display of presentations, exhibitions, games, interviews, and experiments to promote community engagement with researchers.

During this event, our partners from Bistrița Municipality demonstrated the FEEL project and highlighted the need to reduce our resource use. The objectives of the FEEL Project are to assess and develop the frugal concept in eight European cities by applying sufficiency and community cooperation. With interregional learning from our partners and engaging with communities, Bistrita Municipality aims to revise its Local Public Policy "Regeneration of the historical centre of the Municipality of Bistrita", especially by introducing the frugal approach and the concept of sufficiency in the field of urban regeneration.

Science and innovation are the building blocks behind the implementation of frugality. The frugal approach employs low-tech innovation and creative solutions in everyday activities to reduce resource use conserving virgin materials and protecting biodiversity. By attending the event and communicating the project to the public, Bistrița Municipality are inspiring the community undertake frugal actions and contribute to the implementation on the FEEL Project.

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Action plan
Cultural heritage
Research and development
Resource efficiency