Get ready for the first call
A draft version of the new programme manual, terms of reference of the first call, and the application form template are published for your convenience below. The call will open on 5 April and close on 31 May 2022 at noon.
- Check the call related documents (drafts) and the application form template
- See the recordings and material from #europecooperates on 5 April 2022 and get more information about the call
- Find out whether there is an information day in your country presenting our new programme and the call
Keep an eye on our website to benefit from all the project assistance we will offer for this call.
- You can send us a specific question on the draft documents in the first call application pack (see link above), and we will get back to you with an answer
- Use our online community to search for project partners already now
- Publish your project idea and soon you will be able to ask for our feedback on it
- Register to any of our Q&A online sessions (13 April, 22 April, 6 May or 20 May) and ask for clarification of any aspect of the project development or the terms of reference
Watch the recordings from the series of webinars on project development:
- Building a successful partnership on 25Â April (10:00-11:30)
- Designing project methodology on 26Â April (10:00-11:30)
- Management, budget and finances on 27Â April (10:00-11:30)
- Project communication on 28 April (10:00-11:30)