Recording of online info session about Interreg Europe

We organised an online info session about Interreg Europe on 22 February 2023.
270 participants followed the session live to get an overview of what Interreg Europe offers.
If you missed the online info session or would like to catch up on any of the information shared, you can watch the recording and download the presentation below.
Watch the recording
During the info session:
- Erwin Siweris, Interreg Europe's Programme Director, started by introducing why interregional cooperation matters and gave insights into the future of the Interreg Europe programme.
- Nicolas Singer, Head of Unit - Projects & Platform, explained the key features of Interreg Europe and our projects in more detail. He also shared updates related to the second call for project proposals that will open soon. The second call is open from 15 March until 9 June 2023.
- Elena Ferrario, Thematic Manager of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform, talked about the wide range of other cooperation and networking opportunities and services provided by our Platform.
- 00:00:45 Introduction and agenda overview (Irma Astrauskaite-Denis, Interreg Europe)
- 00:04:56 Welcome message (Anne Wetzel, Hauts-de-France region)
- 00:10:32 Why interregional cooperation matters (Erwin Siweris, Interreg Europe)
- 00:26:32 10 things you need to know about Interreg Europe (Nicolas Singer, Interreg Europe)
- 00:43:37 Q&A
- 00:51:48 Project example from 2014-2020 programme (CLEAN)
- 00:54:16 Q&A
- 01:00:14 Policy inspiration, solutions & expert advice (Elena Ferrario, Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform)
- 01:22:04 Q&A
- 01:28:28 Concluding remarks & upcoming events (Irma Astrauskaite-Denis, Interreg Europe)
Download the presentation
Info session on Interreg Europe (22 Feb 2023)
Feedback / Questions and answers
Did you participate in the webinar? Give us some feedback - a survey is open in Slido (see below).
We answered questions from the participants in writing and on camera during the webinar. See an overview below.
If you cannot see the embedded Slido widget, you can access the Q&A overview in Slido.

Call launch on 15 March
Join us for the launch of the second call for project proposals at Europe, let's cooperate! on 15 March in Stockholm (SE).