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Women in EU cooperation projects: have your say!

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Inspired by International Women's Day, ERNACT - the network of European regional and city public authorities - has recently launched a survey to better understand women's working experience in the EU projects. Gender equality should be set as a top priority at work now more than ever, as COVID-19 has deepened the gender gap and inequalities between men and women.

Have your say!

If you are a woman, working in technical fields such as digital transformation and decarbonisation, including innovation and entrepreneurship, we encourage you to complete this short survey. ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/ERNACT_Women_2021 It will not take you more than 10 minutes.

Deadline: 30 April 2021

The survey questions address issues related to women support and participation in EU cooperation projects. It also aims at a better understanding of safety situation or gender issues women experience at work, specifically in the EU cooperation project environment.

“Women face a number of challenges in the advancement of their careers and this has been intensified during the current pandemic. This survey addresses topics that are sometimes overlooked within the EU projects cooperation environment. The questionnaire has been welcomed by women across Europe, and in the first few days, we received almost 100 responses with very interesting conclusions that will be analysed”, said Dr Caitriona Strain, ERNACT Programme Manager.

Women at Interreg Europe

At Interreg Europe's joint secretariat, over 70% of workforce are women, and they have a good representation in senior-level positions! We strive to foster an open and inclusive environment at our workplace.

Gender balance is of an utmost importance to us, not only within our team but also from a programme perspective. We do our best to bring women to the stage at our events together with men so that all perspectives are represented on all topics our programme covers.

Last but not least, we are proud to support projects which promote gender equality. FEMINA project partners are convinced that an increased female participation in high-tech SMEs can boost their competitiveness. Inspired by the Romanian initiative 'Everygirl Everywhere', FEMINA's Italian project partners financed ‘INVENTOR LAB’, to support the development of female entrepreneurship, particularly female start-ups in high-tech/ICT sectors.

European Union