Version four of the Interreg Europe programme manual
A new version of programme manual has been published on our website. (Version 4 dated December 2024)
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Programme manual.pdf
2021-2027 Interreg Europe programme manual and its annexes. Version 4, December 2024. Click Ctrl + F5 if you still see version 3.
If you still see the old version of the manual (version 3, dated December 2023), please type “ctrl + F5” on your keyboard to refresh the page.
What's new?
The updates were integrated to clarify a few principles. They are mainly related to:
Section 3.2.4 – Focus on the Exchange of Experience Process: The text on online exchanges has been updated to remove outdated references to COVID-19 and emphasize the importance of in-person exchanges within the context of Interreg Europe. Additionally, we have included tips for organising greener activities, on the basis of the EC recommendations.
Section 5.2.1 – Reporting Periods and Deadlines: The reporting periods applicable to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd call projects have been specified.
Section 6.2.3 – Travel and Accommodation: Further clarification has been added, highlighting that the flat rate of 15% applies to all travel and accommodation costs for all staff employed by partner organisations, regardless of their department, role, or level of involvement in the project.
Section 6.3 – Preparation Costs: The eligibility period for preparation costs has been clearly defined.
Section 6.7.6 – Financial Corrections and Recovery Procedure: A new requirement has been introduced that a financial correction report should be created in the Portal to deduct ineligible expenditure reported in previous approved and paid progress reports.
Appendix 3.2 – Interreg Europe Control Report and Checklist: Few questions have been reformulated for greater clarity, particularly regarding the partnership agreement, travel cost flat rate, and publicity requirements.