Innovation Loop
Published on 18 October 2017
Mellersta Norrland
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Innovation Loop ( consists of a structured Living Lab. Its main idea is to innovate products, services and processes by co-generating innovative ideas and prototyping these into services/processes/smart objects. Every cycle has an overall actual theme. Themes so far “Talent for Growth”, “Culture –Driven Growth”, “Border – Crossing Meetings”, “The Sustainable Place/Site” and “Global attraction”. During the year there is a number of workshops with multi-stakeholder attendance. Regional public and private stakeholders suggest problem formulations and subthemes for the different workshops. The subthemes for these meetings are inspired by the overall theme and focused on digital services, processes, smart objects etc for local organizations and citizens to adapt and develop in order to approach the addressed problems. We can identify four types of meetings.
• Information meetings with exchange of ideas and information as the main focus.
• Idea workshops –co-creating problem formulations and possible directions for solutions in teams
• Prototyping workshops- where the focus is on co-creating prototypes for the most promising solution
• Implementation Workshops –further development and implementation of prototypes, and pilots to used services/processes/smart objects. The Innovation Loop is organised in Region Västerbotten County in the north of Sweden.
It started in 2013. The cycle lasts 1 year.
• Information meetings with exchange of ideas and information as the main focus.
• Idea workshops –co-creating problem formulations and possible directions for solutions in teams
• Prototyping workshops- where the focus is on co-creating prototypes for the most promising solution
• Implementation Workshops –further development and implementation of prototypes, and pilots to used services/processes/smart objects. The Innovation Loop is organised in Region Västerbotten County in the north of Sweden.
It started in 2013. The cycle lasts 1 year.
Expert opinion
The practice exemplifies an interesting format for generating innovative products, services and processes. It shows how the Living Lab structure can be used for a thematic, problem-based year-long progress from idea generation to implementation. The number of stakeholders involved in each cycle indicates that it is an attractive exercise relevant to repeat. This format is transferable and the lessons learnt would help implementation in other regions.
Works at
Resources needed
The Innovation Loop engages: up to 1.500 people a year; circa 35 public sector organizations and circa 35 companies.
A yearly budget of 1 million euro can be invested by the cyclical initiative.
A yearly budget of 1 million euro can be invested by the cyclical initiative.
Evidence of success
The Innovation Loop produced up to 37 new products, services or processes in different stages of implementation. Moreover:
- different themes focussed on social and societal issues driven by individual and organizational needs;
- broad representation of participants from different knowledge perspectives, ages and professional backgrounds.
- different themes focussed on social and societal issues driven by individual and organizational needs;
- broad representation of participants from different knowledge perspectives, ages and professional backgrounds.
Potential for learning or transfer
High potential for both learning and transfer it to different regions is already emerging from the partners of the OSIRIS project.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Region Vasterbotten
Övre Norrland