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A webinar to upskill Smart Specialisation Strategies by EARLALL

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screenshot of a webinar

On 12 June 2024, Arnault Morisson, thematic expert for a Smarter Europe from the Policy Learning Platform participated to the webinar “Upskilling for Smart Specialisation Strategies”, organised by the European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL) in the context of the SKYLA Interreg Europe project, with the participation of TALENT4S3. The webinar provided a space to share good practices between the two Interreg Europe projects and highlighted several good practices such as the ITS Academies, Tuscany, Italy; the Innovation and Talent Programme, Extremadura, Spain; and the Electric Vehicle and Maintenance program, Baldoyle Training Centre, Fingal, Ireland. 

During the webinar, Arnault Morisson presented a policy brief on skills for innovation and good practices from Interreg Europe projects aimed at addressing the challenges of upskilling in different European regions. Key initiatives discussed included:

  • The National project Sector Driven Innovations (NP SRI) is an initiative to monitor labour market needs, labour shortages, to identify how technologies will affect the labour market, to perform foresight exercises on the future of jobs up to 2030 and the impacts on job functions, employment levels and skills in Slovakia. 
  • TECNIOspring is a mobility scheme to attract international researchers to develop R&D projects in Catalonia, Spain. 
  • The initiative PRISMA is a triple helix collaboration involving the Municipality of Prato, University of Florence and business associations to provide capacity-building and training to logistics companies in the Prato textile industrial district in Italy. 

You can access the recording of the webinar, and also download the presentations

Smart specialisation