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Circular waste management series

By Platform

The Policy Learning Platform is hosting a series on the topic of circular waste management. Join us every Thursday starting from 27 January to 17 February, starting at 14:00 CET!

The European Union (EU) is aiming to reduce the environmental impact of waste and its dependency on raw material imports and thus strongly fosters the transition towards more sustainable materials management and a circular economy. To this end, the EU is progressively increasing the targets for re-use and recycling of municipal waste to channel economically valuable waste materials back into the European economy and to protect both human health and the environment.

During this series we will feature inspiring solutions, good practices, and guidance and recommendations backed by real-life examples from European cities and regions from many Interreg Europe projects.

Make sure you register for the sessions you would like to attend below:

Circular waste management l: Meeting the biowaste challenge

The first event of the series will be an online workshop to present strategies and activities for meeting the biowaste challenge. It aims to help European regions and municipalities to meet their recycling targets in 2023.

The workshop will provide an outlook on EU initiatives that local and regional authorities should refer to for boosting their biowaste collection, prevention and recycling rates in compliance with the EU Directives and to the benefit of a local circular economy.

It will also feature good practices from Interreg Europe projects and showcase the use of economic incentives to avoid bio-waste, putting the spotlight on strategies to transform biogas into electricity and heat.

27 January from 14:00 to 17:00 CET - Register today!

Circular waste management ll: Collection and recycling of plastics waste

This webinar aspires to help municipalities and regions to find suitable solutions for addressing the challenges of plastics collection and recycling and showcases how local businesses are creating circular value chains that allow better plastics recycling.


Zero Waste Europe (CAPONLITTER) will introduce this webinar, followed by a presentation of excellent good practice for plastics waste collection and recycling from INTHERWASTE, REPLACE and PLASTECO.

3 February from 14:00 to 15:30 CET - Register today!

Circular waste management lll: Collection and recycling of WEEE

This episode will showcase good practices from CIRCE2LIFES and GPP4GROWTH to boost the rates of separate collection and recycling of WEEE supporting regions and municipalities in meeting the European targets.


For this webinar, the inspirational keynote speech will be performed by Timmy de Vos from e-Waste race, a Dutch initiative that has mobilised over 1000 schools in a competition to collect waste and just received a price for its performance.

10 February from 14:00 to 15:30 CET - Register today!

Many regions and cities are looking for suitable solutions for construction and demolition waste. A keynote speaker from ACR+ (SMART WASTE) will present the issue and showcase solutions stemming from the H2020 Collectors project.

This episode will offer inspiration for the circular treatment of this waste stream by showcasing good practices from the CONDEREFF and CIRCE from Interreg Europe projects.

17 February from 14:00 to 15:30 CET - Register today!

Photo credit: seventyfourimages on envato elements.
Reuse of waste
Circular economy