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EU Pollinators initative: have your say!

By Platform
Beestock in front of greenery

With a view on tackling the decline of wild pollinators, the European Commission adopted the EU Pollinators Initiative (2018) aiming at better understanding the problem and at addressing the causes of pollinator decline through engaging society at large and enabling better collaboration.

To this end, the initiative outlined 10 actions and 31 sub-actions that support an integrated approach to the problem and a more effective use of existing tools and policies. This primarily focused on better mainstreaming pollinator-conservation objectives across various sectoral EU policies including environment and health policies; the common agricultural policy; the cohesion policy as well as research and innovation policy.

Progress report

Last year, the European Commission published a report on the progress of the implementation of the EU Pollinators Initiative which confirmed the validity of initiative and at the same time, pointed at significant challenges in addressing the drivers of decline.

Reinforced actions are necessary in order to deliver on the objectives of the EU pollinators initiative and commitments under the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, and to respond to the calls from the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors to step up EU efforts for pollinator conservation.

Open consultation

In light of the urgency in addressing the remaining challenges, the Commission has launched an open public consultation on the revision of the EU Pollinators Initiative that is open for feedback until 9 June 2022.

With this consultation, the Commission invites citizens and interested parties to express views on the implementation of the existing policy framework.

The consultation will also look at how to improve this framework by identifying further actions and resources needed to fully implement the initiative’s objectives and meet the commitment to reverse the decline of pollinators by 2030.

Man working on paper

Have your say!

Contribute to the open consultation by responding to the European Commission's questionnaire.

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European Commission