OVD boosts local identities, enhancing attractiveness for living and business. It fosters cohesion and attracts visitors, coordinated nationally and regionally.
Energy consumption & emissions monitoring & assessment platform (ENIGMA)
The ENIGMA platform of the city of Thessaloniki monitors energy consumption and emissions since 2022, supporting decision-making towards climate neutrality.
La Faglia focuses on social regeneration, where an old building was revitalised with the active participation of citizens to create a social and cultural space.
Partnership Tables in Lahti aim to boost citizen engagement without replacing traditional democracy, enhancing local community dialogue and cooperation.
SMART-UP - Powering Mediterranean Agri-food value chain
The project aims improving the competitiveness and sustainability of the agri-food companies, enhancing the reuse of wastes and by-products of their productions
Collected vegetables waste are mixed with hay and straw to produce silage bales, pressed and wrapped in a plastic film. It is part of the beef cattle ration.