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Good practice - Green
2014 - 2020

Household Allowance

The aim of the household allowance is to replace normal domestic and care work in the home, as well as maintenance and renovation work in the home and leisure dwelling, with market work, thereby...

31 Aug 2022 | By project ZEROCO2
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Good practice - Green
2014 - 2020

Regional Energy Councelling

In the past, many people were confused, who gives advice and what, and where can I get unbiased information. In 2019, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment started to develop consumer energy...

31 Aug 2022 | By project ZEROCO2
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
Transport system in Craiova
2014 - 2020

CRAIOVA Transport App

Craiova Transport application is a new tool introduced by public transport operator to increase the attractiveness of local public transport

31 Aug 2022 | By project REGIO-MOB