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2014 - 2020

CEED Grow program

Mentorship scheme powered by CEED Slovenia. The program is available only for entrepreneurs and all mentors there are experience entrepreneurs.
19 Feb 2020 | By project OSS
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Yritystakomo ("enterprise smithy")

YritysTakomo was local pre-incubator that drove the unemployed engineers towards employment or to team up around new business ideas.
14 Feb 2020 | By project FOUNDATION
Approved content by an expert Expert approved
2014 - 2020

Templederry Community Wind Farm

Templederry Community Wind Farm is a 100% community-developed and owned wind farm, the first of its kind in Ireland, using a mix of public and private finance.
13 Feb 2020 | By project FIRESPOL
Approved content by an expert Expert approved