Dundee City of Design achievements as a member of the Creative Cities Network of UNESCO
The case of Dundee City of Design in the Creative Cities Network of UNESCO (UCNN) advances the redeployment of CCIs into CCT development, for SME competitivess
Creative Tourism development by CCIs SMEs - LouléCriativo
LouléCriativo: Creative Tourism experiences showcased in a digital platform, with co-creation by CCIs SMEs enterpreneurship, local community role and mentoring.
Óbidos, UNESCO City of Literature: stimulating local economy and the SMEs
Óbidos in the UNESCO Creative Cities Network as a City of Literature - strategic alliance with the CCIs of private sector and professional organizations for CCT
Business model of the Nicosia Tourism Board for CCT development based on CCIs and SME competitivenes
Nicosia Tourism Board (NTB) as an established business model for CCIs SME competitiveness in CCT development, by cooperation between Chamber and Municipalities.
Creative ecosystem in Ibiza for Creative Tourism development
Co-creation by CCIs and residents for Creative Tourism experiences reflecting local identity, heritage and culture, towards competitiveness of local SMEs CCIs
European Capital of Smart Tourism initiative, including category on Cultural Heritage and Creativity
'European Capital of Smart Tourism' initiative recognises outstanding achievements by European cities as tourism destinations, including Culture and Creativity
Festival del Viaggiatore di Asolo - traveller festival in Asolo
The Traveller festival aims to give voice to different experiences, actively engage with the public and share the cultural and historical heritage of Asolo