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1st Interregional Training Workshop - Berlin

07 - 08 Mar 2017
Clock 00 : 00 - 00 : 00 CET
Location In person | Berlin, Germany
By Project SPEED UP
Workshop activities held in Berlin contributed to stimulate discussion and enforce collaboration processes between partners. As a result the group work sessions brought partner to develop a shared vision about the most influent elements in entrepreneurial cases of success. 
Thanks to the efforts of moderators collaborative session were involving and effective. Barcamp and table group work emphasized business plan core elements, good practice sharing and flow of ideas through a shared evaluation process.

During the two days several presentation were delivered to the audience: 

The first day after the introduction by Lucia De Siervo, Project coordinator SPEED UP from the Municipality of Florence ,  André Röser, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family - Brandenburg presented funding and activities in Brandenburg
In the framework of the first topic: Public/private incubators Christina Arend Project manager of BPW ILB presented Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan competition 
Lies Boghaert project manager of imec. istart delivered her presentation about Business Innovation Support for Tech Startups
The second topic chosen by attendant was centered on International Startup Pass presented by Maria Guimarães CEO & Events Manager from Startup Lisboa
The second day two more topics were covered.
Ignacio Morales presented Andalucia OPEN FUTURE in the framework of topic 3: Partnership with big companies/ Vertical acceleration programs with big companies while Toomas Türk presentation from Tallin Tehnopol focused on the cooperation between startups and corporates.
Last presentation was delivered by Maciej Sadowski Co-founder and President of Startup Hub Poland for theme 4 Investment/participation in new born companies/start-ups
During the second part of the day Partner had the occasion to visit several areas of Accelerator2,  one of the most successful high-technology sites in Germany and Berlin’s largest media site. It is home to 1,041 companies and scientific institutions (Dec 2016) on an area of 4.2 km² - embedded in an integrated urban planning concept. 16,778 people work and 6,700 study there.
The event agenda, presentations and photos are available in the LIBRARY section of the web site. 

  Watch the Event on SPEED UP Youtube Channel