This page contains information on the bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes and on the project control system in Belgium. You may also speak directly with the three Interreg Europe representatives in Belgium according to their region:
- Brussels
- Flanders
- Wallonia
List of Structural Funds programmes
Download the latest list of managing authorities and intermediate bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes in each country. Select the BE tab for information about Belgium.
You can also find the list of managing authorities at the European Commission's search page. Select Belgium for the latest information.
Bodies responsible for Structural Funds programmes
The list of managing authorities or intermediate bodies responsible for the Structural Funds (Investment for jobs and growth) programmes in the EU Member States. Last update on 17-05-2024.
See below the contact person and details about the project control systems in Brussels region in 2021-2027.
SPRB Brussels International
Place Saint-Lazare 2
1035 Brussels
The control system
The Brussels-Capital Region uses a centralised control system.
The control body
Address | Contact |
Address Brussels Regional Public Service |
Contact Aline Mairiaux |
The costs
The costs resulting from the control are borne by the project partners and can be reported as eligible costs in compliance with the relevant EU regulations and programme rules. These costs should therefore be planned in the project budget.
The control costs will be charged at the rate of 2.5 % of the controlled amount. The invoices will be sent 2 months after each certification request via e-mail.
On-the-spot checks
At least one on-the-spot check will be carried out for partners reporting equipment and/or infrastructure & works costs related to a pilot action during the lifetime of their project.
See below the contact person and details about the project control systems in Flanders region in 2021-2027.
Flemish Government - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Afdeling Europese programma's
Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 12
Brussels 1030
The control system
The Flemish region uses a decentralised control system. A list of nominated controllers is established at national level. From this list the project partners will be able to see which controller they can refer to.
The approbation body
Address | Contact |
Address Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship |
Contact Jorre Van Damme |
The costs
The control costs must be borne by the project partner, and can be reported as eligible costs within the project under budget line "External expertise and service costs". These costs should therefore be planned in the project budget.
On-the-spot checks
The type of control to be performed may vary(full or extended control, on the spot control, only sampling...), potentially even within one and the same project for one and the same beneficiary based on controllers’ professional judgement.
For more information, Flemish partners are invited to contact their approbation body.
National guidance
Staff cost calculation and reporting fact sheet
See below the contact person and details about the project control systems in Wallonia region in 2021-2027.
Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Place Sainctelette 2
Bruxelles 1080
The control system
The Wallonia region uses a centralised control system.
The control body
Address | Contact |
Address Wallonie-Bruxelles International |
Contact Carmelo Scifo |
The costs
The costs resulting from the control are borne by the project partners and can be reported as eligible costs in compliance with the relevant EU regulations and programme rules.
On-the-spot checks
At least one "on-the-spot check" will be carried out during the project lifetime in projects where partners report equipment and/ or infrastructure & works costs related to a pilot action.
National guidance
INTERREG VI EUROPE - guide wallon.pdf
Guidance on regional rules for Interreg Europe project partners.
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