Rethinking local policies: Bringing back nature to the city

On 31 May and 1 June 2023, the Policy Learning Platform organised 'Rethinking local policies' in Ghent. Throughout the two days, we explored local sustainable development through integrated approaches.
The event had four workshops running in parallel, one of them being Bringing back nature to the city.
What was the workshop about?
With ‘Bringing back nature to the city’ we explored how local and regional authorities can reach the targets of the EU Nature restoration law and the Global Biodiversity Framework.
In an engaging mix of presentations, discussions, working groups and a site visit, the participants explored various nature restoration measures to:
- save pollinators,
- remove pollution,
- rewild natural areas
- provide blue and green infrastructure such as riverbanks, lakes, parks, green belts, urban forests and trees.
The workshop also looked at the potential of derelict sites including former landfills and old industrial areas, and at actions to support biodiversity, including planting of wildflowers and indigenous species.
An interesting site visit to Captain Zeppos park in the Oude Dokken and the reopened waterway at Reep exhibited the implementation of Ghent’s Green Structure Plan and the city’s approach to blue-green infrastructure.
This was possible under the careful and insightful guidance of Tom Beyaert (City of Ghent).
The workshop concept and overall moderation were ensured by Astrid Severin and Magda Michaliková, Policy Learning Platform thematic experts.
Featured good practices
During the session, many inspirational good practices from Interreg Europe projects were presented.