A public call to encourage entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries
About this good practice
The public call covers the following artistic fields:
1. Performing Arts
2. Literary and publishing activities
3. Visual Arts
4. Audiovisual activities (including activities of development and production of video games of artistic and cultural importance)
The following activities are supported:
a) recruitment and involvement of external associates in business processes
b) opening and furnishing of premises, procurement of equipment
c) promotion
d) distribution
e) professional development
This public open call supports activities that contribute to the development and enhancement of the capacities and competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries, increase their visibility and encourage further networking. Activities that emphasize the potential of the cultural and creative industries to develop, enhance and increase competitiveness and enrich the Croatian tourist offer are also supported.
The main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice are:
• Company and cooperative (not founded by a public authority)
• Crafts
• institution (not founded by a public authority)
• an artistic organization
• freelance activities (including self-employed artists)
• newly created legal or natural entities - L.t.d.., crafts, arts organizations, institutions, cooperatives (except in the field of literary and publishing activities)
Expert opinion
This is a great example of a support measure for CCIs. The seven-year nationally funded programme sought to support SMEs working in the sector through grants with a rather attractive co-financing rate. The support scheme had a clear focus on specific artistic fields and activities. The most noteworthy eligible activity was the involvement of external associates which provided the opportunity to increase competences and bring new perspectives to the CCI SMEs. Overall, other regions seeking to set up a grant system for the CCI could surely learn from this Croatian grant mechanism.
Resources needed
The total value of the Public Call is HRK 8 million and are provided from the state budget. The aid is granted up to 85% of the eligible costs of the proposed project. Lowest individual aid will be HRK 20,000.00 and the highest will be HRK 250,000.00.
Evidence of success
This practise is consideres as good because supports activities that contribute to the development and enhancement of the capacities and competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries, increase their visibility and encourage further networking. Through this call total number of 127 SMEs (including l.t.d.., crafts, arts organizations, institutions, cooperatives) were supported. The amount of public money allocated to approved projects is 1.066.666,67 €.
Potential for learning or transfer
We do believe that activities from this call (such as professional development, promotion, recruitment and involvement of external associates in business processes …) and artistic fields (performing arts, literary and publishing activities, visual arts, audiovisual activities) are in spirit of the RegionArts project because they encourage collaboration among different sectors and stimulate activities aimed at developing new business models based on the recognition of creative competencies and to encourage employment within previously mentioned areas.
There is room for cooperation between the ICT and art sector. There were 253 applications of which 127 projects were selected for co-financing that will support activities that contribute to the development and competitiveness of the cultural and creative industries. This call enables entrepreneurs in the cultural and creative industries to provide support for those steps they need in terms of employment, promotion...
Further information
Good practice owner
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