Academy of Smart Specialisation
Published on 22 November 2018
Norra Mellansverige
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Establishing smart specialisation strategies has become vital in making the best use of limited resources; but it has become obvious that it is not an easy task to manage these innovative approaches and to establish the necessary linkages between actors with different competences and skills. Smart specialisation strategies are established throughout Europe, but there is often a lack of concrete actions for linking research and innovation with a user-driven need and with strong collaborations with industry, public sector and civil society. The Academy for Smart Specialisation is the research and innovation agreement between Region Värmland and Karlstad University for the period 2016–20. Through the agreement and the creation of an organisation implementing the agreement, an operational tool has been developed; a tool for the transformation and renewal of the private and public sectors in Värmland as well as for the development of research and education at Karlstad University. The concept of ”Smart specialisation” involves finding strong areas in the region with the capacity to evolve into internationally competitive industries.
Karlstad University and Region Värmland will run the Academy jointly, creating a meeting-place for researchers, companies, financiers and entrepreneurs. By linking research, innovation and education, the Academy will prepare Karlstad University students for employment to drive industrial development in the prioritised areas in Värmland.
Karlstad University and Region Värmland will run the Academy jointly, creating a meeting-place for researchers, companies, financiers and entrepreneurs. By linking research, innovation and education, the Academy will prepare Karlstad University students for employment to drive industrial development in the prioritised areas in Värmland.
Expert opinion
The establishment of the Academy of Smart Specialisation is exemplary in its efforts to develop a smart specialication strategy and to ensure its implementation and success. The main role of the organization is to fill the gap between strategy and concrete actions. It achieves this by identifying key areas of action and developing relevant partnerships between researchers, companies, entrepreneurs to work together towards the set goals with various projects. Therefore the Academy functions also as a network between various local stakeholders. Especially relevant is the cooperation between the University and companies as students are prepared for the needs of the local labor market. This practice is a good example of how universities can play a greater role in regional development. It should also interest all policy makers seeking to get more tangible results out of their smart specialization strategies.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Both partners invest funding and it is expected that external funding will be attracted to a total of at least €15 million over five years. The working group consist of six persons, working to a level of two persons full-time. A steering committee meets at least twice a year.
Evidence of success
The Academy has been successful in filling the gap between strategy and concrete actions. The Academy has managed to drive the process of establishing over 10 new strategically important projects involving strong collaborations, by organising the benefits to be a “win”-situation for all actors involved. It is obvious that by working with this model, unique combinations are created that can lead to innovative solutions for the future benefit of society and for advancements in research.
Potential for learning or transfer
A quote from Mark Przeor at DG Regio could be used to demonstrate why the Academy could be interesting for other regions to learn from: “The Academy for Smart Specialisation is a best practice in Europe on how you can connect universities to smart specialisation. You have managed to do this more tangibly thanks to the concept of the Academy for Smart Specialisation”. The Academy is a result of a collaboration that originated in an OECD project over ten years ago about universities’ role in regional development. Since then, culture and working methods have evolved around cooperation which has meant that joint investments have been made to build research capacities, researchers have contributed to the design of the region's RIS3, and there are numerous research and innovation projects established in all specialisation areas. Interest has been shown for the concept of the Academy from different regions in Sweden and Europe. Now also from Brazil at ministerial level.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Karlstad University
Norra Mellansverige
Research Advisor