Circular model of street lighting procurement
About this good practice
The sector of street lighting in Municipalities is the second largest electricity consumer after the pumping stations. Most of the electric lighting network of Municipalities includes luminaires and lamps, of which most are of old technology with significantly greater energy consumption compared to modern. This fact, combined with the existence and consolidation in the market of new lighting technologies, allows the replacement of old luminaires and lamps with new ones, leading to significant energy saving potential in the field of road lighting.
Municipality of Alexandroupolis targets saving energy and improving the environment by reducing pollutant emissions in municipal lighting of public spaces and roads. It is worth noting that at the present time, at least 80% of the illumination of the municipality, in particular the communal areas and roads in the entire territory of the municipality, will be covered.
Thus, it had issued the tender for “SAVING ENERGY IN THE MUNICIPAL LIGHTING WITH THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF LED LIGHTS AND THE LED LAMP SUPPLY” for 21.918 LED lamps and 3.286 mounting brackets.
Resources needed
Total cost of the contract amounts to 3.330.410,60€ of which 80% was paid with the supply of the materials and the other 20% is paid through an escrow account in 10 annual installments after:
- Inspection for annual energy savings
- Certification by the competent department of the Municipality
Evidence of success
Environmental impact: Energy savings of 4.376.824 KW per year and reduction of 4.328,68 tCO2 per year.
Savings: Annual maintenance savings of 190.000€.
Reduction of the time of detection and repair of network failures leading to time and resources - savings. Medium to long-term reduction of the relative costs for the municipality (increased life of materials, existence and uniformity of spare parts – scale economies).
Improve quality of life: Better lighting services of the communal areas
Potential for learning or transfer
The tender utilizes the following:
-Guide for Studies for Improving Energy Efficiency in Road Light for local government bodies, compiled by the CRES
- Ministerial Decree “Framework of a methodology for measuring and verifying the energy saved to achieve the indicative national energy savings target for end use”
- The award criteria was based on the most economically advantageous tender as determined on the basis of costs, using a cost-effectiveness approach with life-cycle costing: Lower weighted investment cost (€/MWh)
Contractor obligations: Supply, transport, installation and delivery in full operation of the materials ready for use, in the positions to be indicated by the municipality, while for the LED lamps, the supply, transport and delivery in a place that will indicate the municipality as well as the 10 years maintenance in a state of proper operation of the products offered. Also, an electronic record of digitally displayed installation locations