ECOPartner - Public-private partnership for eco-innovation in promoting the circular economy
Published on 27 May 2021
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The lack of technical expertise in the field of eco-innovation or related fields (resource efficiency and clean production; energy efficiency; eco-design and/or LCA methodology; environmental management) determined the partners of the EcoPartner project within the Romanian-Swiss Cooperation Program to create a network for eco-innovation at the national level, with the following objectives:
- Supporting the elaboration of specific policies, strategies and tools, focused on eco-innovation (ReIn-dialogue partner of central/regional/local public institutions);
• Education for the development of specific competencies and abilities, the introduction of eco-innovation in the university curriculum; development and implementation of training programs;
• Development of support services for companies and clusters (increasing competitiveness and productivity through eco-innovation; performance evaluation/audits; exchanges of good practices and promotion of new innovative and green business models);
• Promoting ReIn at national/regional, European and international level, connecting to other European and international networks, long-term development of a culture of eco-innovation;
The network members carry out networking activities, provide technical support, information and resources in the field of eco-innovation for companies and stakeholders.
The main beneficiaries are companies, but also clusters, technological innovation centers, relevant NGOs, etc.
- Supporting the elaboration of specific policies, strategies and tools, focused on eco-innovation (ReIn-dialogue partner of central/regional/local public institutions);
• Education for the development of specific competencies and abilities, the introduction of eco-innovation in the university curriculum; development and implementation of training programs;
• Development of support services for companies and clusters (increasing competitiveness and productivity through eco-innovation; performance evaluation/audits; exchanges of good practices and promotion of new innovative and green business models);
• Promoting ReIn at national/regional, European and international level, connecting to other European and international networks, long-term development of a culture of eco-innovation;
The network members carry out networking activities, provide technical support, information and resources in the field of eco-innovation for companies and stakeholders.
The main beneficiaries are companies, but also clusters, technological innovation centers, relevant NGOs, etc.
Resources needed
Total project budget: CHF 240,155.33 and the involvement of over 100 experts - project partners and stakeholders - future members of the ReIn network, people trained in eco-innovation, people selected for study visits to Switzerland, clusters, representatives of academia, by IDUs, NGOs, etc.
Evidence of success
The results of the project consisted of activities to analyze the context of eco-innovation in Romania, training a number of 22 experts to support organizations in implementing eco-innovation, the Green Club initiative was developed, a platform to directly support companies in implementing the concept step by step RECP, the Romanian Network for Eco-innovation was set up and pilot eco-innovative projects were carried out in companies.
Potential for learning or transfer
•This model of good practices was initiated by the Romanian National Center for Sustainable Production and Consumption Association in Romania, in partnership with the Geneva Association for the Development of the Circular Economy in Switzerland and the Association of Clusters in Romania, within the ECOPartner project. The project aims to promote eco-innovation among Romanian companies, including cluster members, to contribute to strengthening the capacity of Romanian experts to provide services in the field of eco-innovation and to create models of collaboration and support for business and policy makers.
The Romanian Network for Eco-innovation, the Green Club of Entrepreneurs, the Handbook for Eco-innovation and the online eco-innovation portal - Data Hub - guide the application of the concept of eco-innovation in companies, at the regional and national level, present models of good practices, success stories and other documentary resources.
The Romanian Network for Eco-innovation, the Green Club of Entrepreneurs, the Handbook for Eco-innovation and the online eco-innovation portal - Data Hub - guide the application of the concept of eco-innovation in companies, at the regional and national level, present models of good practices, success stories and other documentary resources.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
National Centre for Sustainable Production and Consumption Timisoara
Sud-Vest Oltenia