Flemish Green Deal Circular Procurement (Green Deal Circulair Aankopen)
Published on 09 September 2019
Prov. Antwerpen
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Inspired by the Dutch Green Deals, the steering committee applied a ‘learning by practice’ approach to promote circular procurement in Flanders. They set up a Green Deal for Circular Procurement (GDCP) to stimulate experimentation, knowledge building and demonstrating the feasibility of circular procurement in practice. Procuring organisations were asked to commit to two circular procurement pilot projects. Facilitators brought their expertise to the table and created value within the network by at least two supporting projects. The response was overwhelming: 101 public and private procurers and 52 facilitators signed the GDCP. All of them participated in a learning network, sharing knowledge and experiences. Learning was supported online by a shared learning platform, containing webinars, a legislation Q&A, a circular toolbox for procurers and a library. Eight offline action and inspiration days brought participants together to support networking, map sectoral ambitions and needs, and create partnerships and peer-to-peer learning. As well as offering specific expertise and showing good practices. Two Buyer meets Supplier events allowed procurers to meet circular suppliers and get acquainted with their products and offers. Suppliers gained an understanding in the circular demand and thresholds perceived by procurers. An online tool was developed to aid procurers in setting goals and ambitions by selecting strategies to achieve them goals and following up on their progress.
Resources needed
The project is still ongoing but an estimation of budget to coordinate, educate, communicate and measure the results is about 350000euro and 3FTE.
Evidence of success
153 participants: 101 procuring organisations and 52 facilitators
200 circular procurement experiments, 60 supportive actions by facilitators
Online platform: 14 dedicated webinars, legal Q&A, library with general and sector specific information, information about the projects, circular procurement toolbox.
All projects and supporting actions are logged in the online GDCP-tool.
5 offline networking events and workshops a year with 50 to 200 participants each (final even 21/11)
200 circular procurement experiments, 60 supportive actions by facilitators
Online platform: 14 dedicated webinars, legal Q&A, library with general and sector specific information, information about the projects, circular procurement toolbox.
All projects and supporting actions are logged in the online GDCP-tool.
5 offline networking events and workshops a year with 50 to 200 participants each (final even 21/11)
Potential for learning or transfer
The Green Deal in Flanders was inspired by the Dutch example and could be transferred to other countries and regions in Europe, taking into account the regional specificities and legislation. It will reveal the thresholds local procurers are experiencing. Creating a learning network and setting up concrete projects will demonstrate the feasibility of circular procurement. This can ultimately boost circular procurement and form a lever for growth of the circular economy.
Circular Flanders is a partner in the Interreg North Sea ProCirc-project, bringing together 8 public and 3 private sector organisations delivering over 30 circular procurement pilots, each aiming to reduce 20-25% raw materials, waste and CO2-emmission. Transnationally ProCirc organises a procurer-to-procurer learning and Action program, CP expert task forces and transnationally & cross-industry communities of practice. Circular Flanders will transfer lessons learned from the GDCP within the ProCirc project.
Circular Flanders is a partner in the Interreg North Sea ProCirc-project, bringing together 8 public and 3 private sector organisations delivering over 30 circular procurement pilots, each aiming to reduce 20-25% raw materials, waste and CO2-emmission. Transnationally ProCirc organises a procurer-to-procurer learning and Action program, CP expert task forces and transnationally & cross-industry communities of practice. Circular Flanders will transfer lessons learned from the GDCP within the ProCirc project.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Vlaanderen Circulair
Prov. Antwerpen