Funding program: Supporting sustainable growth and vitality in regions
About this good practice
Supporting Sustainable Growth and Vitality in Regions is national funding instrument allocated for Finnish regions via Regional Councils. In March 2020 the instrument was quickly adapted to respond to the economic impacts of the pandemic. Since its start the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (RCSO) has under three calls funded multiple development projects that support local economy to recover from the crisis in sustainable way.
MAR 2020: The call was directed for municipal business developers to start projects that support local SME’s in their recovery from the crisis. Six development projects covering the whole region was set-up. Typical activities: communicating about financing and development opportunities, activating and advising in applying funds, supporting SMEs in renewal of businesses and sharing good examples. Example: Developing businesses during crisis by JPYP Business Service.
OCT 2020: The call was directed for more general development projects based on the regional Covid-19 recovery plan. In addition, extension funds were given to all of the 1st call projects. Example: Business models after the crisis carried out by Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK).
FEB 2021: The call was directed for more general development projects that support the priorities of the regional strategy. Examples: Climate and circular economy roadmap for South Ostrobothnia (by RCSO) and Climate roadmap for the food sector (by SeAMK).
Resources needed
Call 1: March 2020: 245 000 € (Gov.) + 245 000 € (RCSO) = 490 000 €. Project budget’s around 80 000 €
Call 2: October 2020: 763 000 € (Gov.) of which 300 000 EUR as additional funds for the first call projects (50 000 €/project)
Call 3: February 2021: 369 000 € (Gov.)
Evidence of success
During the 3 calls 24 projects have been funded that support the region in its transition towards green and digital economy. The funding has helped the region’s economy to become more resilient and recover from the crisis. The success relies also in the ability of the government and the regional council to quickly adapt to the crisis. Via open dialogue with regional actors (e.g. the municipalities and RDI-institutions) the RCSO was able to open calls that respond to the needs in the region.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice is an example of a small region's way of responding to
the crisis and supporting the region and its actors in their shift towards green and sustainable economy. The key to the success has been the agile way of working and an open dialogue between with the managing authority (Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia) and the applicants from the region.
The calls were started quickly within weeks after the beginning of the pandemic in the region and effectively communicated in the region and the applicants. The thanks for quick start can be addressed for the Finnish government who was able to make decisions about the national fund quickly. After that RCSO acted quickly to start the call. The communication with the applicants happened via emails, online meetings and phone contacts.
Other interesting points of learning might the specific objectives of the calls and also the specific projects funded under the calls of which we are happy share more information about.
Further information
Good practice owner
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