GPP Regional Plan
About this good practice
The new Green Public Procurement (GPP) Plan is a unique plan which builds on the old plan and that it is developed to foster circular economy awareness and implementation in the regional market. The main goal of GPP regional Plan is to implement GPP through the insertion of CAM (minimum environmental criteria) in public tenders and procedures for the green purchases of goods and services. The plan innovatively targets and involves training sessions for both the public administration and the private sector to increase GPP market demand. From the public administration side, the plan will increase capacity building on the drafting and evaluation of green tenders; from the private side, the plan will increase capacity building in enterprises on environmental sustainability criteria and certifications. In particular, SMEs should acquire knowledge and adopt European Sustainability Tools such as EMAS, PEF, EU ECOLABEL, and LCA studies. By increasing SMEs’ knowledge on green certifications, the plan aims to increase circular economy awareness as well as SMEs’ participation to GPP tenders. The presence of such EU tools, in particular EMAS, is indeed rewarded in the tender evaluation. The plan itself promotes the adoption of Sustainability European Tools to promote the recovery and to increase the resilience of SMEs and the regional&national market after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The drafting of the project required around 35.000 euros and the involvement of 4 people (not full-time). For the project activities (stakeholder meetings, education trainings etc) around 15.000 euros and 2 people working part-time.
Evidence of success
This best practice grounds on the previous 3-years GPP Plan. Thanks to the procurement observatory of the Liguria Regione, the region monitors the implementation of green tenders and the response of entreprises. There has been an increasing trend (2019-2021) that in 2021, the last year of the old plan, led to green tenders for a total value of 373.474.776 euros just in Liguria Region. The new GPP plan is implemented, it is considered as a tool to promote Circular Economy.
Potential for learning or transfer
GPP is a voluntary tool. However, it is acquiring year after year an increasing key role in the EU's efforts to become a more resource-efficient economy. It can help stimulate a critical mass of demand for more sustainable goods and services which otherwise would be difficult to get onto the market. The creation of a GPP plan, with the double approach public-private, has a strong potential transferibility in different regions of european nations. Also, the double approach is innovative since it does not focus only on PA (as done by the old plan – which the new one implements - and the one of many other regions). Moreover, the website is clear, all documents are there and there is already evidence of this BP’s success. Thus, Liguria Region GPP Plan provides a strong reference in the context of Circular Economy as well as Sustainable production and consumption to the other European regions that have not developed a GPP plan yet.
Further information
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