Innovative bird monitoring system to prevent collisions with wind turbines
About this good practice
Renewable energy is crucial for clean, affordable power, however the wind farm development faces opposition due to environmental concerns on biodiversity protection. One of the biggest issues pertains to bird fatalities caused by collisions with wind turbines situated near the NATURA 2000 sites.
For this reason, a startup in Greece, Digisec came up with the solution of placing very high resolution cameras that monitor the area around the wind turbines and use AI systems to identify birds, which can be distinguished from other objects such as planes, clouds, drones, etc.
Once the bird reaches the deterrent radius, a special sound is emitted by the system's speakers to divert the bird’s course. In the rare case that the bird continues its course towards the blades of the wind turbine, the Bird Monitoring System gives a command to stop the operation of the wind turbine until the bird leaves the danger zone. In this way, the lives of thousands of rare birds are saved and the number of unnecessary wind turbine shutdowns is dramatically reduced.
The beneficiaries of this good practice include wildlife conservation organizations, which aim to protect vulnerable bird species from collisions with turbines. Additionally, wind energy companies benefit by minimizing costly downtime and legal liabilities associated with bird strikes. Ultimately, the wider community benefits from sustainable energy generation without significant environmental harm.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The demand for financial and human resources depends on the number of wind turbines that will be installed.
Evidence of success
The Digisec Bird Monitoring System has significantly mitigated potential biodiversity risks, by reducing bird collisions with wind turbines and thereby addressing public environmental concerns. At the same time, it has decreased unnecessary turbine shutdowns, safeguarding the revenue of electricity producers.
Potential for learning or transfer
A prime example showcasing the effectiveness and transferability of the practice is Digisec's installation of 10 Bird Monitoring Systems offshore at the Beleolico offshore wind farm operated by Renexia SpA in Taranto, Italy. Beleolico, the first offshore wind farm in the Mediterranean, comprises 10 wind turbines with a total capacity of 30MW and can fully meet the energy needs of a city of 60,000 inhabitants.
The Bird Monitoring System is also expected to be installed to wind parks in Austria and Spain. Furthermore, in 2024 the company plans to enter the US market.
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