InterTradeIreland FUSION Programme
Published on 30 January 2019
United Kingdom
Northern Ireland
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Product development and innovation is at the heart of growth and exports.
FUSION creates a partnership between an SME with a specific technology need and a knowledge centre (college or research institution) with the required expertise in the opposite jurisdiction (Ireland or Northern Ireland). This successfully encourages cross border innovation collaboration.
As part of the support FUSION funds a high calibre science, engineering or technology graduate to carry ourt the project over a 12 or 18 month period.
Projects must be in the area of new product / service / process development or process improvement.
FUSION also funds the knowledge centre participation, a postgraduate diploma for the graduate and some project costs.
The company will employ the graduate throughout the project (12 - 18 months) with mentoring from the academic partner and InterTradeIreland FUSION consultant.
On average, each company taking part on the FUSION programme benefits from over £1 million worth of sales and/or efficiency savings in the three years following the project.
The programme is aimed at SMEs with between 5-249 full time employees in manufacturing or tradable services sectors and located on the island of Ireland (North or South). The company must be financially viable, have a 2 year trading history, indigenous to the island of Ireland.
FUSION creates a partnership between an SME with a specific technology need and a knowledge centre (college or research institution) with the required expertise in the opposite jurisdiction (Ireland or Northern Ireland). This successfully encourages cross border innovation collaboration.
As part of the support FUSION funds a high calibre science, engineering or technology graduate to carry ourt the project over a 12 or 18 month period.
Projects must be in the area of new product / service / process development or process improvement.
FUSION also funds the knowledge centre participation, a postgraduate diploma for the graduate and some project costs.
The company will employ the graduate throughout the project (12 - 18 months) with mentoring from the academic partner and InterTradeIreland FUSION consultant.
On average, each company taking part on the FUSION programme benefits from over £1 million worth of sales and/or efficiency savings in the three years following the project.
The programme is aimed at SMEs with between 5-249 full time employees in manufacturing or tradable services sectors and located on the island of Ireland (North or South). The company must be financially viable, have a 2 year trading history, indigenous to the island of Ireland.
Expert opinion
FUSION Programme ticks many boxes of a good practice in the field of SME competitiveness. Firstly, it has a clear cross-border structure established in the support mechanism. Secondly, it brings together SMEs and knowledge centers. SMEs often lack their own funds technological innovation. Knowledge centers often struggle in finding ways to capitalize on their know-how. Thirdly, the programme includes support for science, engineering and technology graduates by giving them necessary work experience and putting them directly into contact with companies to whom they can be most valuable to. The fact that over 75% of graduates are retained by their company after project completion is a sure sign of success of this measure. Finally, the reported return on expenditure 17:1 is truly impressive.
Given that problems regarding lack of SME innovation, lack of cooperation between academia and business and the lack of STEM students/workforce are very relevant in many European countries, the replication value of the FUSION programme is very high.
Given that problems regarding lack of SME innovation, lack of cooperation between academia and business and the lack of STEM students/workforce are very relevant in many European countries, the replication value of the FUSION programme is very high.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The programme has an annual budget of more than €3.5M
The project is managed by a small team in InterTradeIreland and delivered by a Managing Agent with consultants covering the island of Ireland.
The project is managed by a small team in InterTradeIreland and delivered by a Managing Agent with consultants covering the island of Ireland.
Evidence of success
Over 600 projects completed to date.
Over 75% of graduates are retained by their company following project completion.
The most recent independent evaluation (2018) concluded that on average and after consideration of deadweight each SME reported over £850 000/ €969,000 worth of additional sales and/or efficiency savings.
Return on Expenditure was reported as 17:1.
Over 75% of graduates are retained by their company following project completion.
The most recent independent evaluation (2018) concluded that on average and after consideration of deadweight each SME reported over £850 000/ €969,000 worth of additional sales and/or efficiency savings.
Return on Expenditure was reported as 17:1.
Potential for learning or transfer
This project may be of interest to other regions as an example of good practice as it has proven to:
1. Support the development of businesses on the island of Ireland by transferring and embedding knowledge on a cross-border basis between industry and academia;
2. Improve the flow of, and access to, knowledge capital across the island of Ireland;
3. Increase process and/or product development within business;
4. Increase industry R&D capability and thereby improve business innovation;
5. Improve industry-academic linkages and thereby improve the knowledge and skills base within SMEs and larger companies; and
6. Improve the graduate skills base and career progression for graduates.
1. Support the development of businesses on the island of Ireland by transferring and embedding knowledge on a cross-border basis between industry and academia;
2. Improve the flow of, and access to, knowledge capital across the island of Ireland;
3. Increase process and/or product development within business;
4. Increase industry R&D capability and thereby improve business innovation;
5. Improve industry-academic linkages and thereby improve the knowledge and skills base within SMEs and larger companies; and
6. Improve the graduate skills base and career progression for graduates.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
United Kingdom
Northern Ireland