Lithuanian Automotive Export Association (LAuGEA)
About this good practice
In Lithuania, a lot of attention is paid to the development of clusters. A cluster-friendly environment is being created, international relations are being developed, and it is encouraged to join international clusters. Innovation networks for small and medium-sized enterprises create an environment favourable to innovate. As a result, the Lithuanian Automotive Export Association (LAuGEA) was founded in 2014.
Cooperation of LAuGEA members, through its scientific potential, ensures greater opportunities for product development, testing and marketing in local and foreign markets, as well as more efficient management of corporate costs.
LAuGEA members are also actively involved in international research and innovation program projects, international exhibitions and business missions, as well as collaboration with various companies, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, research and product development partners, and other institutions of similar activity. Research, development and innovation (R&D&I) activities are carried out by taking advantage of laboratories owned by cluster members and partners. It allows members to increase their international competitiveness by streamlining the value chain, directing activities to the development of common products, increasing exports.
Expert opinion
Clustering activities have a proven track record for supporting regional and sectoral collaboration. The LAuGEA automotive cluster in Lithuania is a good example for such activities and how they can increase company competitiveness, identify international partnership opportunities, and provide training and professional development.
Their R&D&I services are particularly note-worthy as they allow partners to develop common products and streamline value chains within the cluster which increases their international competitiveness. This helps facilitate an open innovation eco-system within the cluster and can be a valuable learning opportunity for other regional clusters.
This good practice should be viewed together with the Baltic Automotive Components Cluster (BACC):
Resources needed
Cluster employs 4 employees. Also, the cluster implemented national and international projects, which provides part of the organization funding.
Evidence of success
Currently, the cluster consists of 21 members, including 19 automotive companies and 2 scientific and research institutions.
The cluster managed to:
• implement six national projects financed by the EU structural funds;
• participate in fourteen conferences, exhibitions and business missions;
• participate in five meetings with international partners;
• participate in Lithuanian Clusters Association and working groups of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation.
Potential for learning or transfer
LAuGEA is a case of a cross-sectoral business cluster, as it links businesses operating in the automotive industry with science and research institutions. It shows how cross-sectoral clusters can increase their members competitiveness and further development. Organizations actively participate not only in traditional cluster activities such as business missions, international exhibitions, representation of members in various formats, but also actively promotes innovation development and implementation activities.
Further information
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