Metropolitan Strategy of Economic Development

About this good practice
In 2015, Brest métropole has launched its Metropolitan Strategy for the economic development of its territory. This strategy aims at establishing a vision at local level on economy and employment gathering the whole stakeholders. The fifth objective focused on the reinforcement of higher education and research and to multiply bridges under the quadruple helix agents: universities, “grandes écoles” (higher education centers) and research centres, enterprises and public sector is of interest as a good practice
The goal is to strengthen training and skills development of citizens, including young people. The main aim is to provide value to local and regional enterprises and facilitate their growth and economic sustainability. To achieve this, Brest métropole strategy is focused on boost grow and promote their sectors of excellence, consolidate the importance of higher education and research sector as well as strengthen decision making institutions and social agents. Notably, Brest métropole, as an internationally recognised territory for its leadership in maritime research, will help consolidate and transform the sector in a pool for new activities and jobs, and response to challenges such as blue growth, climate change, sustainable development, health, food. The strategy also highlights accessibility related challenges such as the railway high speed connection improvement with Paris or the development of the Port of Brest.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The cost required to develop the Brest Métropole Economic Development Strategy was around € 90,000. In the implementation, the cost of the forum / year: € 60,000. This strategy has been defined and implemented following a dedicated governance scheme, associating more than 400 people (under 4helix).
Evidence of success
The strategy identified 5 major challenges and 156 objectives, more than 140 have been implemented. To guarantee the implementation of the strategy, a dedicated governing body has been established: “Conseil de gouvernance” gathering around 20 organisations representing local, regional & national authorities, professional organisations & companies. Multi-actor dialogue & governance through the implementation of the annual Economic Forum “Forum de l’économie" 600 participants in 2018/ 800 in 2019.
Potential for learning or transfer
The methodology adopted to both define and implement the strategy is transferable. Governance aspects, specifically the way the different stakeholders have been directly contributing can also be underlined. In terms of cooperation, the Metropolitan Strategy for the economic development has been defined and implemented in close cooperation with the Brittany Regional Council, in charge of the regional economic strategy to ensure consistency and complementarity between both strategies. Besides, some specific sectorial projects can also present a potential for learning: The “Campus mondial de la mer” initiative gathers public authorities, researchers & businesses in the maritime field; it’s coordinated by Technopôle Brest-Iroise https://www.campusmer.fr/
The “French Tech Brest +” dynamic in the digital sector, aims at boosting startups, to give birth in local champions and contribute to the territorial attractiveness, at the scale of Western Brittany https://frenchtech-brestplus.bzh/
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