Mobile Application „Czyste Miasto Gdańsk” (Clean City of Gdansk)
About this good practice
The application is a useful tool that teaches proper waste segregation and responsible waste management. Its functionalities include daily reminders for the collection dates of specific waste fractions, information on changes in Gdansk’s Municipal Waste Management System, the annual payment schedule, detailed information on using selective waste collection points, and updates on municipal waste management in Gdansk.
This application is part of the city's educational campaigns on waste management. It educates residents on how to correctly segregate waste into five containers: paper, glass, metals and plastics, bio-waste, and residual waste, as well as how to responsibly handle atypical and hazardous waste such as bulky items, tires, electronic and electrical equipment, renovation waste, thermometers, fluorescent lamps, paints, varnishes, and expired medications.
The app features a functional waste search engine that allows residents to check at any time which container a specific type of waste should go into. The search engine already has answers for 2,500 terms.
To expand the reach of educational efforts, the application has been made available in additional languages: English, Russian, and Ukrainian. This ensures that all Gdansk residents, including foreigners, can use and understand the city's waste management services, which in turn facilitates proper waste collection and efficient disposal for property managers and individuals renting to foreigners.
Resources needed
The company that is responsible for maintaining the application.
Cost: approximately 20,000 PLN gross per year.
Evidence of success
54 thousand users.
Potential for learning or transfer
The application is gaining increasing popularity, with a growing number of users each year.
Further information
Good practice owner
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