
Published on 26 August 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Modern Enterprises Program focuses on the development of digital competences of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, reduction of the primary (digital illiteracy) and secondary (low degree of utilisation) digital divide, enabling micro and small enterprises to recognise business opportunities resulting from the introduction of ICT systems and to make use of those opportunities, as well as making available the benefits of the digital ecosystem to those lagging behind more durable (e-inclusion).
Connected to the digital economy, the programme development of the external and internal information systems of the ICT sector in a narrow sense of the definition and the enterprises using the electronic (commercial, banking, etc.) services of the sector, and incentives to ICT development, R&D and innovation activities for development based on ICT. The programme launched in 2015 particularly helps the rural enterprises and strives to leverage physical assets, softwares and methodologies during SMEs lifecyle which replaces the original paper-based work by changing the existing, basic information solutions.
The program has 4 pillars:
- FREE AUDIT AND ADVERTISING: National Advisory Network (27 people),
Screening, ICT concept creation, Digitally Ready Enterprise (DRE) certificate-unit package for each SMEs
- INFORMATION EVENTS about how to join the program
-LIBRARY:A digital knowledge portal for digital businesses.
Connected to the digital economy, the programme development of the external and internal information systems of the ICT sector in a narrow sense of the definition and the enterprises using the electronic (commercial, banking, etc.) services of the sector, and incentives to ICT development, R&D and innovation activities for development based on ICT. The programme launched in 2015 particularly helps the rural enterprises and strives to leverage physical assets, softwares and methodologies during SMEs lifecyle which replaces the original paper-based work by changing the existing, basic information solutions.
The program has 4 pillars:
- FREE AUDIT AND ADVERTISING: National Advisory Network (27 people),
Screening, ICT concept creation, Digitally Ready Enterprise (DRE) certificate-unit package for each SMEs
- INFORMATION EVENTS about how to join the program
-LIBRARY:A digital knowledge portal for digital businesses.
Expert opinion
This is a good example of a programme that focuses on the digitalization of micro businesses and SMEs. A team of consultants provides personalized auditing services to the companies. Since 2015 the programme has provided its services to an impressive 12k+ companies.
It is interesting to note that the “digitally qualified business degree” of the programme has been linked with a chance of getting increased funding from the national Economic and Innovation Operational Programme. This creates a stimulus for companies to enrol and go through the Modern Enterprises Program and to take steps in their digitalization.
Practices such as the Modern Enterprises Program have become increasingly relevant in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis where businesses have had to go digital with their management and sales activities in order to stay afloat.
It is interesting to note that the “digitally qualified business degree” of the programme has been linked with a chance of getting increased funding from the national Economic and Innovation Operational Programme. This creates a stimulus for companies to enrol and go through the Modern Enterprises Program and to take steps in their digitalization.
Practices such as the Modern Enterprises Program have become increasingly relevant in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis where businesses have had to go digital with their management and sales activities in order to stay afloat.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
- National Advisory Network (27 people) work full time to manage the program - Thanks to 27 consultants working in the country, the program has one of its advantages that each audited company receives a customized development concept.
- cca. 16,5 M EUR (5,6 B HUF) for period 2015-2021 in 3 steps
- cca. 16,5 M EUR (5,6 B HUF) for period 2015-2021 in 3 steps
Evidence of success
- 17577 registrered SME partner
- 12419 On-site IT and business review
- 2017 discounted IT product
- 383 events
- Based on the success of the program, new period started in 2019 and will finish in May 2021.
- 12419 On-site IT and business review
- 2017 discounted IT product
- 383 events
- Based on the success of the program, new period started in 2019 and will finish in May 2021.
Potential for learning or transfer
This program has pledged the mass of SMEs with success thanks both to successful media and communication campaigns and to those who received a digitally qualified business degree in the program got plus 5% funds in GINOP 3.2.2. (Economic and Innovation Operational Programme)
The main element of success is that the the program is not laying down a unit package, a unit IT strategy that can be imposed on every business. In the concept the 27 consultants help to highlight the shortcomings and weaknesses of each audited company's digitization. Not only they make generalizations, but make specific suggestions as to what kind of solution it would be worthwhile to introduce, and also offer some of the products of already certified, reliable suppliers.
The main element of success is that the the program is not laying down a unit package, a unit IT strategy that can be imposed on every business. In the concept the 27 consultants help to highlight the shortcomings and weaknesses of each audited company's digitization. Not only they make generalizations, but make specific suggestions as to what kind of solution it would be worthwhile to introduce, and also offer some of the products of already certified, reliable suppliers.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
