MULTI-ReUse Case Study Wesermarsch, pilot plant for water reuse
Published on 14 May 2020
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About this good practice
The main task of MULTI-ReUse was the development, demonstration and evaluation of a modular water treatment system, in order to offer service water in different qualities and volumes for the different purposes and to competitive prices.
The following process chains were tested in the pilot plant:
1) Ultrafiltration – Desinfection: Water quality: free of undissolved substances and pathogenic germs; still contains dissolved nutrients and organic trace substances. Uses: industrially for washing processes (e. g. street cleaning) or for cooling processes with little requirements (e. g. regarding the concentration of dissolved salts).
2) Ultrafiltration – activated Carbon filtration – Desinfection: Water quality: free of undissolved substances and pathogenic germs; concentrations of nutrients and organic trace substances are considerably reduced. This increases the microbiological stability of the water (lower growth potential during storage and distribution. Uses: Industry: cleaning or cooling processes with higher quality requirements; urban or agricultural irrigation purposes;
3) Ultrafiltration – Reverse Osmosis – Desinfection/Stabilization: Water quality: free of undissolved substances and pathogenic germs; minimum in the concentration of salts and organic trace; a maximum of microbiological stability. Uses: MAR; process water for a broad spectrum, e. g. for the production of ultrapure water or as mixed water for dilution purposes
The following process chains were tested in the pilot plant:
1) Ultrafiltration – Desinfection: Water quality: free of undissolved substances and pathogenic germs; still contains dissolved nutrients and organic trace substances. Uses: industrially for washing processes (e. g. street cleaning) or for cooling processes with little requirements (e. g. regarding the concentration of dissolved salts).
2) Ultrafiltration – activated Carbon filtration – Desinfection: Water quality: free of undissolved substances and pathogenic germs; concentrations of nutrients and organic trace substances are considerably reduced. This increases the microbiological stability of the water (lower growth potential during storage and distribution. Uses: Industry: cleaning or cooling processes with higher quality requirements; urban or agricultural irrigation purposes;
3) Ultrafiltration – Reverse Osmosis – Desinfection/Stabilization: Water quality: free of undissolved substances and pathogenic germs; minimum in the concentration of salts and organic trace; a maximum of microbiological stability. Uses: MAR; process water for a broad spectrum, e. g. for the production of ultrapure water or as mixed water for dilution purposes
Expert opinion
The practice is a very good example of a modular water treatment system with the goal of reusing water for different purposes. The degree and technology of water purification correlates with the future use of the reused water. The system is suitable for industrial areas which would like to develop a smart water reuse system with the goal of water efficiency and freshwater savings. The practice could be of interest to regions and cities which would like to experiment with water reuse in the context of the circular economy.
Resources needed
1,5 mio €; funded by the BMBF; engagement of stakeholders
Evidence of success
The pilot plant was successfully tested for 2,5 years.Reuse Water is an economic alternative to drinking water. Therefore OOWV is working on the realization of a large-scale plant.
Potential for learning or transfer
Large wastewater treatment plants are often located near industrial hotspots. There, no water in drinking water quality is needed. Fit-For-Purpose solutions can also help to conserve drinking water resources at other locations. Especially since in the industrial sector money already has to be paid for fresh water.
Further information
Good practice owner
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Oldenburgisch-Ostfriesischer Wasserverband (OOWV)
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