Published on 28 March 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Regions involved have developed a collaborative effort in order to provide a differentiated approach pooling the resources and expertise that can be of interest to several offshore industry actors.
Updated inventory of research infrastructures has been provided for dealing with industrial challenges and technology fields.
Technology fields include New Materials, component testing or new casting processes and materials, among others.
Infrastructures are providing key equipment and services at different steps within the value chain.
Industries can choose where to place their efforts at specific steps or at several ones towards industry solutions
1. Steel Square (S2): Integral Steel process reproduction through pilot plants.
2. IHCantabria, The Environmental Hydraulics Institute "IHCantabria3. 3. BiMEP: An open sea test centre for the research, demonstration and operation of marine renewable energy devices.
4. Mutriku Wave Power Plant: 16 turbines and 16 OWCs giving a total installed capacity of 296 kW. Mutriku is also an An Up-And-Running Test Site for air turbine, control strategies and auxiliary equipment testing 5. Windbox: an infrastructure dedicated to the integration and validation of wind power subsystems. Inaugurated in 2015 thanks to the collaboration of the Energy Cluster, a group of eight Basque companies from the wind sector and IK4 Research Alliance, with the support of the public administration
6. CENER. The National Renewable Energy Centre
Updated inventory of research infrastructures has been provided for dealing with industrial challenges and technology fields.
Technology fields include New Materials, component testing or new casting processes and materials, among others.
Infrastructures are providing key equipment and services at different steps within the value chain.
Industries can choose where to place their efforts at specific steps or at several ones towards industry solutions
1. Steel Square (S2): Integral Steel process reproduction through pilot plants.
2. IHCantabria, The Environmental Hydraulics Institute "IHCantabria3. 3. BiMEP: An open sea test centre for the research, demonstration and operation of marine renewable energy devices.
4. Mutriku Wave Power Plant: 16 turbines and 16 OWCs giving a total installed capacity of 296 kW. Mutriku is also an An Up-And-Running Test Site for air turbine, control strategies and auxiliary equipment testing 5. Windbox: an infrastructure dedicated to the integration and validation of wind power subsystems. Inaugurated in 2015 thanks to the collaboration of the Energy Cluster, a group of eight Basque companies from the wind sector and IK4 Research Alliance, with the support of the public administration
6. CENER. The National Renewable Energy Centre
Resources needed
The consortium has signed a collaboration agreement which has to be developed and as long as collaboration projects will be identified, resources will also be defined.
Evidence of success
The signed agreement
Potential for learning or transfer
Different testing infrastructures decided to collaborate instead of competing each other in an emerging sector.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Tekniker IK4
Policy officer