Nouvelle Aquitaine regional roadmap for energy and ecological transition.
About this good practice
On 9 July 2019, the elected representatives of New Aquitaine meeting in plenary session adopted the regional roadmap dedicated to the energy and ecological transition: Neo Terra. It sets 11 ambitions, accompanied by quantified commitments and concrete actions. The objective is to accompany the transition effort in terms of energy, ecology and agriculture by 2030.
New Aquitaine is one of the French regions most affected by climate change: temperatures have risen by 1.4°C over the 20th century, extreme weather phenomena are becoming more frequent (floods, storms, erosion, drought, etc.).
Faced with this observation, the Region has been engaged since 2010 in an ambitious transition process, thanks in particular to expert work which now enables it to identify precisely all the risks which its territory will face in the coming decades via diagnoses.
To move from diagnosis to action and transform risks into opportunities, on 9 July 2019, during a plenary session dedicated to the environmental and climate transition, the Region defined its roadmap, Neo Terra, based on major principles and precise objectives.
Co-constructed as a tool for collective intelligence and action, Neo Terra sets out 11 ambitions to accelerate change and accompany this essential transformation throughout the territor
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Regional fundings are now directly lined with the NeoTerra program
- In 2021: nearly 786 million euros have been voted for a total of 5 864 projects associated to the Neo Terra policy.
- In 2020: nearly 602 million euros have been voted for 3833 projects associated to the Neo Terra policy.
Evidence of success
The Neo Terra projectsn, voted on in 2021, represented 32% of all the projects submitted to the vote and 46% of the amounts.
Compared to 2020, which presented 24% of Neo Terra project for 40% of the amounts voted, this is a clear progression showing the acceleration of the roadmap.
Potential for learning or transfer
Neo Terra is a strong policy example, carried out by researchers for 10 years (more than 450 researchers).
Neo Terra has become a strong marker, internal to the Region but also on the territory.The roadmap was built in consultation with the sectors, with a strong desire to embark, to support, without ever stigmatizing. As the leading agricultural region in Europe, the Region paid particular attention to the dialogue with the agricultural sectors which resulted in the approval of the roadmap by the Regional Chamber of Agriculture.
To materialize this dynamic and promote the initiatives, a website dedicated to the approach and the actors involved has been developed:
Further information
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