“Opolskie ze smakiem” brand
About this good practice
The brand (label) „Opolskie ze smakiem” was created to give incentives to local food producers and potential local food producers to conform to actual food quality standards required by law in order to become part of the official local products from Opolskie.
The label addresses wide variety ranged local//regional products:
- PGI products (Kołocz/Kołacz Śląski, Krupnioki Śląskie)
- based on traditional products register from the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
- organic products
- new local/regional products related to multiculturality of the region,
- revival of wine production in the region
The beneficiaries of „Opolskie ze smakiem” can be split into three target groups:
- GI products producers
- Potential GI products producers
- Local products producers
- Potential products producers
- Regional/local communities
The practice is being funded by the Self-Government of the Opolskie Voivodeship dedicated to promotion and development of local products through financing study tours, trainings or products quality testing.
The regional government to support the initiative anounced three calls for local initiatives transforming culinary traditions into local products:
- in 2021 16 beneficiaries received 2000 EUR from the regional funds (in total 33 300 EURO).
- in 2022 19 beneficiaries received 2300 EUR from the regional funds (in total 33 300 EURO).
- in 2023 23 beneficiaries received 2300 each EUR from the regional funds (in total 33 300 EURO).
Resources needed
The initiative “Opolskie ze smakiem” requires additional forms of support more funding for future development. The specific groups of producers like GI and potential GI products producers may also require different type of support in near future.
Evidence of success
It has been successful in increasing:
- nr of local products (100)
- nr of traditional products register as Traditional Products (78)
- nr of local producers (72)
- nr of events promoting local products (30)
It supported the rural policy by:
- identification and promotion of traditional and local culinary resources in villages
- revival and strengthening of social bonds, especially intergenerational ones in rural areas
- cultivating local culinary traditions and activating women in rural areas
Potential for learning or transfer
Potential for learning or transfer This practice is potentially interesting for other regions to learn because:
- It is engaging different stakeholders, especially from the rural areas;
- It efficiently transforms the existing culinary resources into products conforming to food quality standards
- It supports activisation of women, youth and elderly people bringing them back to the social and economic life,
- It supports collaborative attitudes and building linkages for the value chains;
Short list of products with “Opolskie ze smakiem” label (i.e conforming to health quality standards):
- Kołocz/Kołacz Śląski (PGI)
- cold pressed oils from Głubczyce (rape, sunflowers, linen)
- krupnioki ślaskie (PGI)
- aniseed cookies
- honey (lime, rapeseed, honeydew, goldenrod,)
- dairy products (butter, butter milk, cottage cheese)
- fried cottage cheese,
- wines,
- beers,
- handcrafted distillers as gin, liqueurs, spirits
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.