Overtopping Breakwater for Wave Energy Conversion at Port of Naples
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Expert opinion
The European Union, in its Framework Strategy for A Resilient Energy Union, as described in the “Clean Energy for all Europeans” package of measures, marked its energy priorities for transition to a low-carbon, secure and competitive economy. The concept of an overtopping breakwater for wave energy conversion at the Port of Naples is an exciting and promising idea that aligns with the growing push toward renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure. By utilizing the natural wave energy available along the coast, Naples could reduce its environmental impact, increase its energy independence, and serve as a model for other Mediterranean coastal cities interested in sustainable development. However, detailed feasibility studies, environmental assessments, and a careful design and implementation process would always be essential to make such project a success.
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The Carbon Footprint to build wave energy converters integrated in breakwater systems has been estimated as a proxy of the “environmental investment” needed to generate renewable electricity and the Carbon Intensity of Electricity (0.037 t CO2eq /MWh) demonstrates profitability and the opportunity to foster innovation in the field of blue energy. Considering the impact for implementing an operational OBREC module and the electricity production (12.6 MWh/yr for an OBREC single module 5 m long) avoided emissions would compensate those provided within 60 year.
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