Programa Minerva
Published on 11 October 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
A innovative character of Minerva is their focus in projects targeting smart city solutions. Although the business incubator has physical spaces to host the companies, it does not require the company to be physically in the incubators, since the support services are personalised and delivered according to the needs of the companies. In this way the companies can be located all around the Andalusia Region through the network of centres “Andalucia Emprende” where the project receive the support services. The projects located in the city of Seville have access to incubation facilities of offices and co-working area. The annual call select 30 new projects from a regional open call in all Andalucía. The programme offers 30.000 euros of financial support to the five most promising projects in each call. Besides this financial support, the entrepreneurs have access to a service check, this is a package of economic and technology resources to support the acceleration of the start-up. The companies hosted by Minerva have access to advisory services by experts in the tech market as well in business development. They also are offered with apportunitie to network with lead companies of the sector. The companies graduating from the programme are monitorized by the advisor and stay connected in the netowrking events.
Expert opinion
The Minerva incubation service stands out in three aspects. First, emphasis is put on personalized support to the needs of the companies. Second, companies are monitored after graduating the programme and are still connected to the network, therefore ensuring the buildup of the local innovation ecosystem. Third, and perhaps most importantly, a special niche has been found in incubating companies and projects focusing on smart city solutions. This illustrates how Minerva has been flexible in its calls to meet the demands from the sector. Therefore, for those seeking to establish support schemes for smart-city companies, it would be a good idea to contact colleagues from Seville to exchange on best practices.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
This incubator is funded by the financial support of the regional government (Junta de Andalucía) and the private company VODAFONE in the framework of an agreement of collaboration between both organisations.
Evidence of success
85 business projects participating.
75% rate of success for accelerated business projects.
The business activities include e-health (24%), culture and leisure (22%), marketing and business management (19%), education (16%), IT (8%), agrotech (5%) and Smart city (5%).
From the 85 projects participating, 59% of the business projects are commercialising their services/products.
The 85 business projects have created and maintained over 250 jobs.
75% rate of success for accelerated business projects.
The business activities include e-health (24%), culture and leisure (22%), marketing and business management (19%), education (16%), IT (8%), agrotech (5%) and Smart city (5%).
From the 85 projects participating, 59% of the business projects are commercialising their services/products.
The 85 business projects have created and maintained over 250 jobs.
Potential for learning or transfer
According to the 2014 GEM Report, the region of Andalusia is the second most entrepreneur region in Spain. Programmes as Minerva are created because there is much entrepeneur talent in the region. After the first six years experience, we can affirm that there is many innovative technology projects needing and seeking support from programmes like Minerva.
The technology, the main element of a start up, open new market niches and new business actvities that has not been explored yet. It is suggested that business incubators focus in a concrete sector rather than trying to cover all kind of business technology activities. As an example, one of the most demanded sector at the moment is the SmartCity solutions.
More and better collaboration of the diverse programmes that integrate the entrepreneurship ecosystem in any given region.
The technology, the main element of a start up, open new market niches and new business actvities that has not been explored yet. It is suggested that business incubators focus in a concrete sector rather than trying to cover all kind of business technology activities. As an example, one of the most demanded sector at the moment is the SmartCity solutions.
More and better collaboration of the diverse programmes that integrate the entrepreneurship ecosystem in any given region.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Regional Government of Andalucía
Senior Project Manager