Saluzzo Migrante
About this good practice
The Saluzzo Migrante project, by Caritas Saluzzo works effectively in favor of migrants, in particular seasonal workers in the agricultural sector.
The project has identified simple yet effective services to improve the quality of life for migrant wokers: distribution of basic necessities; access to shower; orientation and job placement desk; bicycle workshop; help desk on administrative, legal, trade union and healthcare procedures; medical clinic; accommodation in shared dormitories and reception homes.
Non-EU migrants represent the majority of the working force (> 50%) in the area for agricultural activities. Enterpreneurs suffer for the uncertainty of working force availability and the low permanence of migrants on the territory. Law often complicates the procedures for hiring migrants by agricultural companies, who renounce or use undeclared work.
Migrants play a key role for the business continuity of the area, but it's difficult to make them stay and integrate into the socio-economic tissue of the territory due to all problems metioned. Saluzzo Migrante try to fill the gap by solving migrants basic needs, especially the ones that allows them to better access the labour market. The services provided (help-desk, bycicle garage, medical clinic, clothing) are open for the migrants in certain days of the week, while infrastructures (housing, showers) for their stay are open for the whole working season.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
70% of the budget is aimed at covering services and infrastructures mentioned, the rest to pay staff and external expertise. The project has an average budget of around 100,000 € per year. The project is funded by taxes, contributions from the Catholic church and donations/offers.
Evidence of success
Migrants conditions has improved, with a positive outcome for agricultural companies which have hired and trained migrant workers.
The project is now at the 8th consecutive year of renewal, with some minor adjustment through the years, but with the methodology keep unchanged.
With an ever-increasing demand, the project had to increase the capacity to offer services. The socio-economic integration process has improved leading to a better situation for migrants, employers and local community.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice reflects the situation (underpaid-illegal work) that many migrants face in rural areas. Once they arrive in the area, they often do not have the personal resources to be able to enter the job market and they cannot guarantee companies continuity of work given their condition. By providing assistance and support for basic needs, socio-economic integration improves at 360°. Migrants will be more willing to stay in the area, entrepreneurs will be more incentivized to invest resources in workers and their professional training. The project act to fill the gap between public and private sector, while boosting the possibility of migrants to integrate in the labour market. This model could apply more effectively in the european country where there is often a lack in social welfare assistance by public entities, which have scarce resources and skills to organize this initiatives. The methodology has an high transferability. Funding has to rely on a network of stakeholders.
Further information
CARITAS_Saluzzo_Migrante Good Practice.pdf
Good practice owner
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