Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

About this good practice
SEPA regulates and controls emissions from industrial activities that produce air pollution. It implements policy and operational advice to government, industry, and the public on pollution control and other environmental issues. It presents information on emissions from industries through the Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI). Regarding climate change management, SEPA leads a four-year plan, the Climate Challenge, which sets out the vision for tackling climate in 2018 by generating new, clean, energy-efficient technologies. It also fosters measures to enhance the resilience to the inevitable impacts of climate change. Regarding land quality management, SEPA controls the good state of land as a whole to preserve and maintain this fundamental part of the economy and the environment. Concerning waste management, SEPA leads the delivery of the Scottish Government’s Zero Waste Plan, which sets out the vision of a zero waste society. Spreading all their actions across all sectors from industry, community and government.
Expert opinion
The practice highlights the holistic approach of Scotland’s environmental regulator which approaches with multiple programs industry, community and government. The practice can serve as an example how to engage all sectors of Scottish stakeholders in achieving environmental objectives including objectives of the waste management strategy and supporting the transition towards a Circular Economy.
Resources needed
The projected income for 2017-2018 is £82 million, which will be used to
fund an operating expenditure of £80 million. For 2017-2018, the Scottish
Government has contributed a grant of £36.8 million.
Evidence of success
Outcomes of this Good Practice:
-- Making Scotland thrive in a low carbon world.
-- Encourage Scottish businesses to help them prosper from a better environmental performance.
-- Reducing the impact of flooding.
--Reporting on the quality of Scotland’s environment.
-- Increase the number of sector plans.
-- Increase the number of sustainable growth agreements.
-- Increase the number of properties covered by flood warning schemes.
-- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Potential for learning or transfer
This Good Practice could interest other regions because it approaches with their multiple programs as an environmental agency to all sectors from industry , community and government . In that way making all sectors of Scottish stakeholders participate on the waste management strategy .in conjunction with Zero Waste Scotland to support a transition towards a Circular Economy. This Good Practice strengthens the bonds between research and new business areas facilitating local outputs.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)