
Smart intersections: intelligent traffic lights giving priority to trams
Published on 05 December 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The tram line in Miskolc is positioned in east-west direction across the city. The length of the tram line is 11.2 km long (following its recent extension by 1.4 km). Going through many frequented junctions and traffic lights, the duration of an end-to-end trip is app. 34 minutes the variation of which (prior to the project) highly depended on traffic circumstances. These intersections stopped the trams temporarily and slowed down the public transport. In 2014 under the Green Arrow Tram Project, 16 pcs tram preference traffic light has been built along the tram line, so-called smart phase-sequence modification. If the system detects a delay according to the tram timetable, it helps the tram by switching the traffic lights to red for the rest of the traffic, and let the tram to continue its way uninterrupted.
Expert opinion
The new scheme ensures reliable time schedules of trams and thus increases the attractiveness of public transport for citizens. This is being done by giving priority to trams over other transport means so that the travel time becomes more predictable and user-friendly, allowing citizens to decrease their carbon footprint.
The practice is of interest to cities / regions with tram systems already in place so that they can increase the performance and reliabilty of the tram lines.
The practice is of interest to cities / regions with tram systems already in place so that they can increase the performance and reliabilty of the tram lines.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The total budget of the practice was approximately 642.000 Euro mainly from European Union grant. Even the implementation and the maintaining of the new system is solved by subcontractors, so the MVK Plc. (city owned local public transportation company) hasn’t hired new experts into its staff.
Evidence of success
The delay of trams can be regulated. The timetables of the trams have became tenable. The preference tram traffic system ensured the required timetables for trams. Using the benefits of this system, passengers can plan their tram journey safely from one transport hub to another transport hub. The built-in system is part of a complex development. This good practice could not have been realized in the project, without a renewed and enlarged tram track, and without 31 new, modern, low-floor trams.
Potential for learning or transfer
This practice can be interesting because people would like decrease their travel time in order to that to do so many other things in our fast live and mainly to reduce the carbon footprint using public transport instead of private vehicles. The local public transport company aim to ensure predictable travelling of passangers.
Using the benefits of this system, passengers can plan their tram journey safely from one transport hub to another transport hub.
Using the benefits of this system, passengers can plan their tram journey safely from one transport hub to another transport hub.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Miskolc Public Transportation Company (MVK Plc.)

analyst-monitoring officer