
Stamp of Historical Monuments
Published on 24 February 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
SHM Programme is a public measure for the sustainability of historical monuments, financed from extra-budgetary tax collected. SHM is a mandatory tax (2%) for income-generating operators that promote/use images of historical monuments and heritage buildings or from events that take place in their protection area, such as:
a) promotion printed illustrated materials or photo-video materials representing historical monuments through photographic images or graphic representations of interior or exterior;
b) entrance tickets, photography or filming fees, for historical monuments made available to the public;
c) entrance tickets to cultural, sports or leisure events, fairs and exhibitions held in spaces located in their protection zone or in protected built areas.
SHM was established to support the protection, restoration and enhancement of historical monuments, by financing technical documentation and works related to emergency interventions or tourism arrangements, programs or cultural projects on historical monuments. The financing mechanism includes public and private historical monuments, including churches.
SHM is managed by the Ministry of Culture, by the National Heritage Institute. Since 2001, SHM is enforced by the Law for the protection of historical monuments and became operational in 2003. In 2019 there was an update of the award criteria: funding is now granted following a selection of projects submitted by the administrators of the monuments.
a) promotion printed illustrated materials or photo-video materials representing historical monuments through photographic images or graphic representations of interior or exterior;
b) entrance tickets, photography or filming fees, for historical monuments made available to the public;
c) entrance tickets to cultural, sports or leisure events, fairs and exhibitions held in spaces located in their protection zone or in protected built areas.
SHM was established to support the protection, restoration and enhancement of historical monuments, by financing technical documentation and works related to emergency interventions or tourism arrangements, programs or cultural projects on historical monuments. The financing mechanism includes public and private historical monuments, including churches.
SHM is managed by the Ministry of Culture, by the National Heritage Institute. Since 2001, SHM is enforced by the Law for the protection of historical monuments and became operational in 2003. In 2019 there was an update of the award criteria: funding is now granted following a selection of projects submitted by the administrators of the monuments.
Expert opinion
A rich cultural heritage is a key asset that can drive the socio-economic development of regions and municipalities, contributes to the well-being of their inhabitants and helps preserving their way of life. To better preserve and valorise cultural heritage, it is essential to keep an adequate level of funding and the good practice from Romania is an excellent example of generating adequate funding sources through a specific tax for the use of images of historical buildings and monuments. The approach can be easily replicated in other areas that are aiming to better preserve their cultural heritage.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
There is a 5 person team managing the programme within the National Institute of Heritage.
SHM contributions were collected in two periods:
• 2003-2010: approx. 14.7 M EUR
• 2011-2019: approx. 2.5 M EUR
SHM contributions were collected in two periods:
• 2003-2010: approx. 14.7 M EUR
• 2011-2019: approx. 2.5 M EUR
Evidence of success
SHM funds invested in historical monuments (HM):
• 2003-2010: 10.1 M EUR
• 2011-2019: 3.5 M EUR (26 restoration works in 17 HM)
• 2020:
a. Emergency interventions (pre/post disaster): 300,000 EUR (8 HM);
b. Elaboration of the technical-economic documentations for interventions on the HM: 415,000 EUR (17 HM).
SHM revenues increased yearly, from 120,000 EUR (2011) to over 550,000 EUR (2019) and the main beneficiaries of the Programme were churches and fortresses, between 1 and 8 HM /year.
• 2003-2010: 10.1 M EUR
• 2011-2019: 3.5 M EUR (26 restoration works in 17 HM)
• 2020:
a. Emergency interventions (pre/post disaster): 300,000 EUR (8 HM);
b. Elaboration of the technical-economic documentations for interventions on the HM: 415,000 EUR (17 HM).
SHM revenues increased yearly, from 120,000 EUR (2011) to over 550,000 EUR (2019) and the main beneficiaries of the Programme were churches and fortresses, between 1 and 8 HM /year.
Potential for learning or transfer
All over the world, there are income-generating operators that promote or use images of historical monuments, heritage buildings or that take place in the protection area of the historical monuments.
The SHM tax model could be adopted anywhere in its actual form (or personalized, depending on the national regulations frame) and paid together with other taxes by the economical operators.
SHM is a replicable initiative at national, regional or local levels under cultural heritage priorities.
The SHM tax model could be adopted anywhere in its actual form (or personalized, depending on the national regulations frame) and paid together with other taxes by the economical operators.
SHM is a replicable initiative at national, regional or local levels under cultural heritage priorities.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
National Heritage Institute - Ministry of Culture

Tourism Technical Expert