Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships for S3 (SRIPs)
Published on 26 September 2018
Vzhodna Slovenija
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Expenditure on R&D and human resources in science and technology occupations in Slovenia in relatively high, however a number of innovation outcomes are low as indicated by a low number of patents, trademarks, service’s share of business R&D and a low number of innovative companies. The purpose of the instrument is in the areas where Slovenia has recognized comparative and competitive advantages to promote knowledge-based development and better cooperation within the research community and industry with the aim of diversifying into new technologies, products and services (the creation of startup, spinoff, spinouts, splitoff companies and diversification of production in existing enterprises) and, consequently, the creation of jobs with higher added value.The cooperation between stakeholders in SRIPs is built on: coordination of R&D activities, sharing of capacities, development of human resources, exchange of knowledge and experience,
networking and collective representation of interest abroad, with SMEs and knowledge institutions as main stakeholders and beneficiaries.
networking and collective representation of interest abroad, with SMEs and knowledge institutions as main stakeholders and beneficiaries.
Expert opinion
The Strategic Research and Innovation Partnerships (SRIPs) are long-term partnerships focusing on nine areas related to Industry 4.0, the digital economy, and the circular economy, that involve quadruple-helix actors—private companies, public institutions, universities, and civil society. The nine areas were selected according to Slovenia Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4). The SRIPs work on each thematic area to coordinate R&D activities, network internationally, share capacities and knowledge, and develop human resources. Each SRIP, which is piloted by different institutions, must devise its strategic roadmaps to achieve a higher competitive position not only through technological foresight but also through identifying regulatory framework changes.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-SRIPs are working as relatively inexpensive live information systems not only to address technological weaknesses within a domain but also to address regulatory instruments.
-The experience of Slovenia can serve in benchmarking exercises for regions trying to form working groups in strategic regional sectors. The experience of SRIPs is especially relevant for large regions in terms of population that are ranked as strong innovators in the Regional European Innovation Scoreboard as Slovenia managed to create 9 SRIPs, which were coordinated by different institutions, with many stakeholders involved in each of them.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-SRIPs are working as relatively inexpensive live information systems not only to address technological weaknesses within a domain but also to address regulatory instruments.
-The experience of Slovenia can serve in benchmarking exercises for regions trying to form working groups in strategic regional sectors. The experience of SRIPs is especially relevant for large regions in terms of population that are ranked as strong innovators in the Regional European Innovation Scoreboard as Slovenia managed to create 9 SRIPs, which were coordinated by different institutions, with many stakeholders involved in each of them.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
10.000.000 EUR for the initial call to set-up 9 SRIPs, 5 people working full-time
Evidence of success
Each of the nine areas of application witnessed an establishment of one partnership by the end of 2016 following a spontaneous, not policy-driven bottom-up initiative, recognising the need for cooperation and integration. The initiative also included an agreement on coordinators of SRIPs (=clusters). More than 400 companies and 100+ knowledge institutions joined the initiative, and as partnerships are open, other actors will join them in the future through the strategic roadmaps prepared.
Potential for learning or transfer
The SRIPs represent a good example of how to develop a hub of knowledge, expertise, skills and industry, in this case for each of the nine priority areas in the smart specialisation strategy defined in Slovenia.
Its collaboration and governance models allow the direct involvement and cooperation of companies and knowledge institutions in defining sectorial strategies as well as specific projects where to implement them. Their scope also allows those collaborations to trespass the Slovenian context and to integrate the projects into transnational and international value chains.
The SRIPs become a tool for defining but also implementing the S3 strategy (as a learning-by-doing process close to the EDP concept) not only in Slovenia but also in the EU and international innovation, competitiveness and development frameworks.
As a reference they can be replicated in any S3 context with active or growing presence and cooperation of public and private stakeholders.
Its collaboration and governance models allow the direct involvement and cooperation of companies and knowledge institutions in defining sectorial strategies as well as specific projects where to implement them. Their scope also allows those collaborations to trespass the Slovenian context and to integrate the projects into transnational and international value chains.
The SRIPs become a tool for defining but also implementing the S3 strategy (as a learning-by-doing process close to the EDP concept) not only in Slovenia but also in the EU and international innovation, competitiveness and development frameworks.
As a reference they can be replicated in any S3 context with active or growing presence and cooperation of public and private stakeholders.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
Vzhodna Slovenija
Technical Assitance