
Sustainable Intensification in Dairy Sheep Farming
Published on 24 August 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Billions of people consume milk and dairy products daily, which are now considered a rich source of protein and energy. At the same time, they enable producers and all those involved in the milk value chain to develop significant economic activity. However, every part of this chain must display elements of sustainability. Moreover, the breeders, who are the foundations of the dairy sector, are now forced to adopt modern means and methods that will ensure their long-term profitability in respect to the society, the environment and the animals.
Sustainable Intensification offers a practical pathway towards the goal of producing more food with less impact on the environment, intensifying food production while ensuring the natural resource base on which agriculture depends is sustained, and indeed improved, for future generations.
Sustainable intensification in dairy sheep and goat farming, is a holistic approach, which is based on the use of the technology for the collection of productive, animal health, animal welfare, zootechnical, financial, environmental data for the development of a decision making system, that will be able to increase productivity, improve the nutrition value of the milk produced, increase animal welfare, health and resilience to diseases, increase efficiency of manure management and close our production cycle, improving the efficiency of the usage of the system inputs.
Sustainable Intensification offers a practical pathway towards the goal of producing more food with less impact on the environment, intensifying food production while ensuring the natural resource base on which agriculture depends is sustained, and indeed improved, for future generations.
Sustainable intensification in dairy sheep and goat farming, is a holistic approach, which is based on the use of the technology for the collection of productive, animal health, animal welfare, zootechnical, financial, environmental data for the development of a decision making system, that will be able to increase productivity, improve the nutrition value of the milk produced, increase animal welfare, health and resilience to diseases, increase efficiency of manure management and close our production cycle, improving the efficiency of the usage of the system inputs.
Expert opinion
The good practice illustrates the importance of digital transformation in a dairy farm (Proud Farm) in Western Macedonia, Greece, to promote sustainable development and increased competitiveness. The good practice is a good example of digital innovation in the agri-food sector and offers several insights for those regions that want to transform farm or agri-food sectors while promoting the transition to industry 4.0 and sustainable development.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Proud farm (PF) invested on a milk recording system, environmental sensors, a weighting system for the calculation of the Income over feed cost, a weather station. PF enriched their manure with bio-stimulators to enrich the manure fertility. PF has support by animal nutritionists & geneticists.
Evidence of success
PF average milk yield increased more than 20%, by milk recording. PF also reduced the animals’ interventions of more than 50% and reduced mortality rates at the adult sheep and also managed a significant reduction at the mortality rate of the lambs, by improving colostrum quality and organising a strict protocol for the colostrum management. PF kept fertility rates very high, eliminating any hormone intervention to the animals. PF also improved health and animal welfare.
Potential for learning or transfer
PF has a big investment plan to expand its activities based on a specific business model. The Farm is planning to invest in dairy products from its mil and to establish the 1st primary sector incubator for new breeders, based on its experience and learning through the years. Proud Farm (PF) is financially supported by regional funds and other funds from the EU cohesion policy programs. PF is participating in RIS3 initiatives with the Region and in research projects with the University of Western Macedonia. PF business model has a big learning potential for other regions, and it is also a flexible but very innovative transferable model, especially when the farms owners in EE have strong belief in science and innovation.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Proud Farm Group of Farmers

Dytiki Makedonia