The Smart Cultural City to leverage the Heritage: the Digital Twin experience
About this good practice
Innovative Digital Twin solution, based on the cities needs to manage ordinary issues and high tourist flows around cultural heritage attractions. The practice introduces innovative ways to support cities monitoring and managing cultural heritage, using a Digital Twin integrating data collection, aggregation, artificial intelligence analytic and virtual representations. People flows, mobility and transport, environment, energy, social media, city modelling, infrastructure, model of building, KPI (SDG, 15 Min City Index, etc.) and Social Media monitoring and other data are exploited. So an integrated environment is created to perform predictions and analysis, reducing time and costs for the analyses and providing detailed views that otherwise would not be possible. A perfect instrument to support decisions and policies. The solution is based on Snap4city platform which is composed of several tools, thus creating a new level of resolution and functionality in the Digital Twin concept via dashboards for: real time monitoring, early warning, planning, what-if analysis, predictions, with also the possibility to connect these tools with mobile Apps already in place to interface directly with final users. The practice is used in cities and areas worldwide by public administrations, local and regional authorities, DMOs, heritage site managing entities and private companies.
Platform in nutshell:
Video from CD-ETA presentation:
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The solution can be set up in 1 year of work to integrate a minimal number of data as: people flow, environmental data, social media, KPI, and 3D modelling. The costs may strongly depend on the resolution and on the extension of the detailed area for modelling and analysis.
Evidence of success
The success is acknowledged by the Memorandum of Understanding signed by more than 30 entities, including HERIT DATA project partners and other Med and EU entities to adopt these tools, furthermore by the several KPIs monitored thanks to the data collected and analyzed with the Snap4city platform. The growth in the number of cities/organizations, at an international level, interested in this solution and the satisfaction references of current user represents undoubtedly another success element.
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice can be of interest since the issues tackled affect several cities and regions. The Snap4city digital twins and tools have the potential to be used in several areas considering that they embrace all the aspects related to cities management and cultural heritage. Information transfer has been already tested and performed by means of a mainstreaming model in which are described case studies facing the very same issues: Avila (Spain), Gozo (Malta), Sitges (Spain), Bruges (Belgium), Venice (Italy).
Furthermore, Snap4city approach is completely open source, and its community is open to contributions and support. At the same time the platform provides all the information and training courses in a totally open manner for everyone, directly by means of its website. Info and training enable not only for its usage but also for its installation on cloud and premises.
Mainstreaming model:…
Further information
Platform in nutshell
Good practice owner
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