Cooperation actions: how to bring down barriers to build sustainable partnerships

Interact will organise a kick-off event “Cooperation actions: how to bring down barriers to build sustainable partnerships among EU Investment for Jobs and Growth goal Managing Authorities”, to take place in Palermo, Italy, on 02-03 July 2024. The event is dedicated to Managing authorities under the Investment for Jobs and Growth goal (i.e. mainstream programmes).
The event will be composed of:
- Interactive sessions designed to assist managing authorities in building seamless collaboration by sharing practical tools and examples, and allowing room for peer-to-peer learning.
- A dedicated matchmaking process to facilitate finding the right partners for initiating joint work on cooperation actions.
Interreg Europe will be represented by Thorsten Kohlisch and Nicolas Singer who will present how to support cooperation actions in practice. They will be joined by a representative from the Ministry of Finance and for European Affaires, Brandenburg (TBC), who will share their key learnings from their peer review on ERDF for interregional innovation projects. Learn more about the peer review.
This event is organised by Interact.