30 stories about policy changes
This year, we celebrate 30 years of Interreg. In this context, we have prepared a publication When Europe cooperates, regions benefit. It presents 30 stories about our projects' results, one in each of our partner states.
Have a peek at its content.
Flip through its pages and read the story from your country.
30 stories celebration event
Join us on 10 December to celebrate the success of our projects at our 30 stories online event. We'll have four people behind the projects tell us more about their achievements. Register now!
Who will talk at the event?
Well, that's in your hands. You can vote for your favourite project story and we'll do our best to have the four with the highest number of votes at the event, one from each topic. Cast your vote by 8 December.
You can also let us know what you think about the publication at the bottom of the voting form. Or by leaving your comments at the Feedback pop-up form at the publication page.
For more, you can also:
- Check a set of posters for the
- Discover other project results we have in our web documentary and at our project results' page
- Order a print copy of the publication if you are our community member (you can still become one by registering at My Interreg Europe). Send us an email to communication[at]interregeurope.eu with Publication in the subject line. Remember to write down your address in the email and update your profile online.