CIVITEC kick-off meeting
CIVITEC’s kick-off meeting will be organised on the 22nd and 23rd of May in Nicosia (Cyprus), hosted by the Nicosia Development Agency (ANEL), Lead Partner.
The first partnership meeting will include an initial participatory democratic exercise, an analysis of the use and impact of Civic Tech tools in the participatory democratic processes, thematic workshops and site visits.
Day 1: 22 May
09:00 Welcome reception and registration
09:15 Opening and short presentation of each partner
10:15 Overview of Project (objectives, approach, concept, main activities)
11:00 Overview of Communication activities
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Good Practice preliminary exchange
13:10 Wrap up
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Creating a CIVITEC Activity Map
15:30 Learn + Exchange: partner small group exchange sessions.
16:30 Mapping:
17:30 End of the meeting
20:00 Dinner
Day 2: 23 May
09:00 Welcome reception and registration
09:15 Project Team Coordination Meeting: project workplan and management activities
10:30 Study Visit: University of Cyprus, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering
Local CIVITEC Good Practices:
a) “Co-creation design studio: a community-engaged pedagogy”.
b) “Best Practices in E-participation: Data enabled solutions and applications”.
13:30 Lunch
14:30 Review of Quality of civic engagement and public participation
15:00 Participatory workshop / peer review of Local Practice from Cyprus
16:30 End of the meeting