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Workshop B: Best Practices of CCT based on CCIs

06 - 08 Nov 2019
Clock 09 : 00 - 17 : 00 CET
Location In person Cyprus
By Project Cult-CreaTE
Interregional Thematic Workshop B: 'Best practices of CCT based on CCIs' with study visits.
The Workshop will be dedicated to the capacity building of partner`s key staff, stakeholders and policy makers and exchange of knowledge/experience on best practices of Cultural & Creative tourism which are based on Cultural & Creative industries with study visits regarding best practices on re-deployment of CCIs for sustainable cultural and creative tourism, supported by External Expert on the topic.

6-7 November 2019, Nicosia, Cyprus 
Venue: Leventis Gallery, Nicosia 

Preliminary Programme 
Wednesday, 6 November 2019 

14:00 - 18:00 Study visits in Nicosia CCIs:

Thursday, 7 November 2019 

09:00 Registration 
09:30 Session 1: Opening – Setting the Scene 
Moderator: Nicosia Tourism Board (this section will be covered by media)
 Welcome note - Nicosia Municipality Mayor  
 Opening Address - NTB President
 Address by lead partner VTA Latvia
 Purpose of the Thematic Workshop B in the frame of Cult-CreaTE project: background, issues, aims, approach, activities and expected results - Project Coordinator
 State of the Art and Best Practices on CCT based on CCIs, External Expert, ECTN advisory partner
 Discussion
11:00 Coffee break 
11:30 Session 2: Good practices and results from other projects and initiatives on CCT based on CCIs 
Moderator: Nicosia Tourism Board
13:00 Working Lunch 

Session 3: Established best practices and plans/priorities on CCIs contribution to CCT development and promotion in partner regions (10 min each) 
 Vidzeme Tourism Association, Latvia 

 Veneto Region, Italy
 Cork City Council, Ireland
 Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hungary
 Dundee City Council, Scotland UK
 Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region, Poland
 Naoussa Municipality, Greece
16:00 Coffee Break 
16:15 Session 4: Discussion, Proposals for the Action Plans and Conclusions 
 Moderator: VTA LV
Discussion (in small groups): 
 1. Transfer of best practices: How can we deploy CCIs for CCT?
 2. Stakeholder involvement: How to engage key stakeholders?
 3. Policy Change, Potential Actions for the Action Plans: How can we improve policy instruments in Cult-CreaTE partner destinations with CCT based on CCIs in the Action Plans?
 Conclusions and next steps, Project Coordinator 
 Closing remarks by lead partner VTA 
17:30 End of Workshop